2013-05-31 97 views

我有以下代碼,我想要在access direct或propertygrid中看到p1中的更改。 感謝你的幫助如何通知父母的財產是否改變了孩子的財產

public class A 
    int _c = 0; 

    public int p1 //this is child property 
     get { return _c; } 
     set { _c = value; } //here change, notify class B that p1 is changed 


public class B 
    A _a = new A(); 

    public A p2 //this is parents property 
     get { return _a; } 
     set { _a = value; } 

不要編輯您的問題,將其改爲全新的!發佈一個新問題! – Blorgbeard





public class A : INotifyPropertyChanged 
    int _c = 0; 

    public int p1 //this is child property 
     get { return _c; } 
      if(_c != value) 
       _c = value; 

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 

    private void OnNotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) 
     var tmp = PropertyChanged; 
     if (tmp != null) 
      tmp (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); 

public class B 
    Public B() 
     _a = new A(); 
     _a.PropertyChanged += AChanged; 

    A _a; 

    private AChanged(object o, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     if(e.PropertyName == "p1") 
      //do your work here on change 

    public A p2 //this is parents property 
     get { return _a; } 
      if(Object.ReferenceEquals(_a, value) == false) 
       _a.PropertyChanged -= AChanged; //unsubcribe from the old event 
       value.PropertyChanged += AChanged; //subscribe to the new event 
      _a = value; 

謝謝,但我有一個問題,如果我克隆B類和PropertyChaged分配。它沒有問題嗎? –


我更新了B類的例子 –


非常感謝你 –



public class A:B 
    int _c = 0; 

    public int p1 //this is child property 
     get { return _c; } 
     set { _c = value; isChiledchanged= true; } //here change, notify class B that p1 is changed 


public class B 
    public bool isChildchanged = false; 
