The old demo,我爲the answer創建,使用頂部工具欄進行滾動。因此,頂部工具欄的所有內容(在你的情況下的「發送」按鈕)將被滾動。
var $bdiv = $grid.closest(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv"),
$topToolbar = $("#t_" + $grid[0].id),
$scrollBar = $('<div class="ui-state-default" id="tscroll_' + $grid[0].id +
'" style="overflow-x:scroll;overflow-y:hidden;"><div style="height:1px;width:' +
$grid.width() + 'px;"></div></div>');
// insert the custom content in the top toolbar
$('<div><input type="button" value="Send" /></div>').appendTo($topToolbar);
$topToolbar.css("height", "auto");
// append the new div with the scroll bar on top of the grid
// synchronize the scroll position of $scrollBar and $bdiv
$scrollBar.scroll(function() {
// synchronize the srollbar of the grid
$bdiv.scroll(function() {
// synchronize the srollbar of the toppbar
感謝Oleg,現在問題已修復:) –
@ Dore.Ad:不客氣! – Oleg