2009-11-10 68 views



你的意思是 - 指數之間? – Vladimir 2009-11-10 09:06:21


'i = 0'和'j = array.length-1' :) – 2009-11-10 09:08:25


@Bart,誰說數組元素大於零? – 2009-11-10 09:09:28



從我的programming pearls副本:

maxsofar = 0 
maxendinghere = 0 
for i = [0, n) 
    /* invariant: maxendinghere and maxsofar are accurate 
     are accurate for x[0..i-1] */ 
    maxendinghere = max(maxendinghere + x[i], 0) 
    maxsofar = max(maxsofar, maxendinghere) 

一個正確和簡潔的。但它花了你同時把它複製下來,因爲我設計它:) – 2009-11-10 09:39:59


Soooo,那麼'我'和'j'是什麼? – 2009-11-10 12:33:43


要獲得序列的開始和結束,您只需要記住正確的i(ndex到數組中),具體取決於您在兩個max語句中選擇的內容。 – 2009-11-10 13:41:47


很簡單。假設你得到了數組a。首先,你計算陣列s,其中s[i] = a[0]+a[1]+...+a[i]。你可以做到這在線性時間:現在

for (i=1;i<N;i++) s[i]=s[i-1]+a[i]; 



min = x[0]; 
for (j=1; j<N; j++) 
    if (x[j] < min) 
    min = x[j]; 

您迭代,每個數組元素比較min ...但在每次迭代這min是數組,其中索引範圍是0..j最低值!這就是我們正在尋找的!

global_max = a[0]; 
max_i = max_j = 0; 
local_min_index = 0; 
for (j=1; j<N; j++){ 
    // here local_min is the lowest value of s[i], where 0<=i<j 
    if (s[j] - s[local_min_index] > global_max) { 
    global_max = s[j] - s[local_min_index] 
    //update indices 
    max_i = local_min_index + 1; 
    max_j = j; 
    //update local_min_index for next iteration 
    if (s[j]<local_min){ 
    local_min = s[j]; 
    // update indices 
    local_min_index = j; 

感謝匿名用戶爲他的冗長帖子解釋代碼中的錯誤。我擺脫了它們,除了如果'N == 0'失敗。 – 2013-03-29 22:46:28



# given a sequence X of signed integers, 
# find a contiguous subsequence that has maximal sum. 
# return the lo and hi indices that bound the subsequence. 
# the subsequence is X[lo:hi] (exclusive of hi). 
def max_subseq(X): 
    # initialize vars to establish invariants. 
    # 1: best subseq so far is [bestlo..besthi), and bestsum is its sum 
    # 2: cur subseq is [curlo..curhi), and cursum is its sum 
    bestlo,besthi,bestsum = 0,0,0 
    curlo,curhi,cursum = 0,0,0 
    for i in xrange(len(X)): 
     # extend current subseq and update vars 
     curhi = i+1 
     cursum += X[i] 
     if cursum <= 0: 
      # the current subseq went under water, 
      # so it can't be usefully extended. 
      # start fresh at next index. 
      curlo = curhi 
      cursum = 0 
     elif cursum > bestsum: 
      # adopt current subseq as the new best 
      bestlo,besthi,bestsum = curlo,curhi,cursum 

    return (bestlo,besthi) 


    doctest examples: 
    >>> print max_subseq([]) 
    (0, 0) 
    >>> print max_subseq([10]) 
    (0, 1) 
    >>> print max_subseq([-1]) 
    (0, 0) 
    >>> print max_subseq(xrange(5)) 
    (1, 5) 
    >>> print max_subseq([-1, 1, -1]) 
    (1, 2) 
    >>> print max_subseq([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 2, -1]) 
    (6, 8) 
    >>> print max_subseq([-2, 11, -4, 13, -5, -2]) 
    (1, 4) 
    >>> print max_subseq([4, -3, 5, -2, -1, 2, 6,-4]) 
    (0, 7) 


#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 

typedef std::pair<std::vector<int>::iterator, std::vector<int>::iterator> SubSeq; 

SubSeq getMaxSubSeq(std::vector<int> &arr) { 
    SubSeq maxSequence{arr.begin(), arr.begin()}; 
    auto tmpBegin = arr.begin(); 
    int maxEndingHere = 0; 
    int maxSoFar = 0; 

    for(auto it = arr.begin(); it < arr.end(); ++it) { 
     int currentSum = maxEndingHere + *it; 

     if(currentSum > 0) { 
      if(maxEndingHere == 0) { 
       tmpBegin = it; 
      maxEndingHere = currentSum; 
     } else { 
      maxEndingHere = 0; 

     if(maxEndingHere > maxSoFar) { 
      maxSoFar = maxEndingHere; 
      maxSequence.first = tmpBegin; 
      maxSequence.second = it + 1; 

    return maxSequence; 

int main() 
    std::vector<int> arr{-1, 2, 90, -50, 150, -300, 56, 12}; 

    auto seq = getMaxSubSeq(arr); 
    while(seq.first != seq.second) { 
     std::cout << *(seq.first) << " "; 

    return 0; 