我有一個MVC3應用程序(C#,剃鬚刀),其中有一個對象,其中包含我需要的動態PDF報告所需的所有數據用戶瀏覽器。我的公司VS2010解決方案已經引用了iTextSharp.dll v 5.0.5,並在其他地方用於在靜態PDF表單上「標記」值。如何使用iTextSharp(或其他方法)在C#中生成動態PDF
我爲iTextSharp找到的所有例子都是使用壓模(簡單)進行靜態PDF,或者他們使用4.1.6,他們利用iTextHandler。 ITextHandler不在v 5.0.5中。我嘗試使用HTMLWorker沒有運氣。我的代碼如下
首選方案: 1.我要綁定到一個動態的PDF表單。動態的,我的意思是能夠做重複的子表單等。我有一個PDF,我在Adobe LifeCycle ES2中創建並保存爲XLA。我看到所有的Adobe Docs都提到了與XML等進行連接,但沒有例子說明如何真正實現這一點。我知道這並不難。在C#中的例子好嗎?
可選的解決方案: 2.使用什麼我現在(工程W/iTextSharp.dll 4.1.6只)使用
可選的解決方案: 3.生成HTML和開始尋找HTML爲PDF方法
選項2代碼: 該代碼是在控制器類:
/// <summary>
/// Returns a PDF action result. This method renders the view to a string then
/// use that string to generate a PDF file. The generated PDF file is then
/// returned to the browser as binary content. The view associated with this
/// action should render an XML compatible with iTextSharp xml format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">The model to send to the view.</param>
/// <returns>The resulted BinaryContentResult.</returns>
protected ActionResult ViewPdf(object model)
// Create the iTextSharp document.
Document doc = new Document();
// Set the document to write to memory.
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, memStream);
writer.CloseStream = false;
//// Render the view xml to a string, then parse that string into an XML dom.
string xmltext = this.RenderActionResultToString(this.View(model));
#region This code works with iTextSharp version (free version of iTextSharp)
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
xmldoc.InnerXml = xmltext.Trim();
// Parse the XML into the iTextSharp document.
ITextHandler textHandler = new ITextHandler(doc);
#region This code works with iTextSharp version 5.0.5 (not free version of iTextSharp)
HTMLWorker htmlWorker = new HTMLWorker(doc);
StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmltext);
// Close and get the resulted binary data.
byte[] buf = new byte[memStream.Position];
memStream.Position = 0;
memStream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
// Send the binary data to the browser.
return new BinaryContentResult(buf, "application/pdf");
選項2代碼: 此代碼的視圖(CSHTML)文件:
@model SomeModelSpecificToMyPurpose
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<itext creationdate="@DateTime.Today" producer="iTextSharpXML">
<paragraph leading="18.0" font="unknown" size="16.0" align="Default">
<chunk>RTPA Result in PDF</chunk>
<paragraph leading="18.0" font="unknown" size="16.0" align="Default">
<paragraph leading="18.0" font="unknown" size="10.0" align="Default">
<chunk>Customer Name: @this.Model.Transaction.PatientFirstName</chunk><newline />
<chunk>Address: @this.Model.Transaction.ProviderFullName</chunk><newline />
<paragraph leading="18.0" font="unknown" size="10.0" align="Default">
<chunk font="unknown" size="12.0">Orders:</chunk><newline />