define [
] , (BasePlugin) ->
# The explicit block lists the angular services/factories you need
# all game logic/entity classes go inside this block
explicit = (Options, Renderer) ->
class Checkers extends BasePlugin.Plugin
constructor:() ->
@checkersOptions = [
"test checkbox",
"test slider",
0, 3, 1
"test textbox",
"this is some text"
"test dropdown",
["blah", "blah2", "blah3"],
Options.addPage "Checkers", @checkersOptions
selectEntities: (renderer, turn, x, y) ->
verifyEntities:(renderer, turn, selection) ->
getName:() -> 'Checkers'
predraw: (turn, dt, renderer) ->
postdraw: (turn, dt, renderer) ->
resize: (renderer) ->
loadGame: (@gamedata, renderer) ->
getSexpScheme:() -> null
return Checkers
# the dependencies are manually injected here
explicit.$inject = ['Options', 'Renderer']
$injector = angular.injector(['webvisApp'])
# the constructor function for the main checkers object is returned here
return $injector.invoke(explicit)
編輯: 解答:發現注射器功能創建新的注射器,而不是使用模塊中的注射器。我的解決辦法是這樣的:
# make your module
webvisApp = angular.module 'webvisApp', [
# attach injector to publicly accessible member
webvisApp.run ($injector) ->
webvisApp.injector = $injector
# create your controllers and services
# bootstrap the application
angular.bootstrap document, ['webvisApp']
needsDependencies = (Renderer, Options) ->
#do stuff
needsDependencies.$inject = ['Renderer', 'Options']
webvisApp = angular.module('webvisApp')
webvisApp.injector.invoke needsDependencies
就是這樣。不太明白製作這種新噴射器的用例是什麼,但無論如何。在模塊的運行模塊中,在引導和所有提供程序生成後,我將$注入器附加到模塊上,如webvisApp.injector = $ injector。然後我能夠注入像webvisApp.injector.invoke funcName這樣的abritrary函數。像魅力一樣工作。謝謝! – FatalCatharsis