package main
import (
func main() {
//setup the config
configFile := "config.json"
fd, err := os.Open(configFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't open config file: %v", configFile)
CFG := config{}
err = json.NewDecoder(fd).Decode(&CFG)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("parse config error: %v", err)
//init DB connection
db.InitConnectionInfo(CFG.Database.Host, CFG.Database.Port, CFG.Database.Database, CFG.Database.Username, CFG.Database.Password)
//register HTTP handler
sessionHandler := &handlers.SessionHandler{}
http.Handle("/sessions", sessionHandler)
http.Handle("/sessions/", sessionHandler)
userHandler := &handlers.UserHandler{
Facebook: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Facebook.Key, Secret: CFG.Facebook.Secret},
Sina: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Sina.Key, Secret: CFG.Sina.Secret},
Google: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Google.Key, Secret: CFG.Google.Secret},
Tencent: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Tencent.Key, Secret: CFG.Tencent.Secret},
Mixpanel: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Mixpanel.Token},
FacebookShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Facebook.Token},
SinaShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Sina.Token},
GoogleShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Google.Token},
TencentShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Tencent.Token},
http.Handle("/users", userHandler)
http.Handle("https://stackoverflow.com/users/", userHandler)
//and so on ...
//run server
log.Println("start listen: ", CFG.FcgiAddr)
l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", CFG.FcgiAddr)
log.Fatalf("server error is %v", fcgi.Serve(l, nil))
//@@select {}
log.Println("end listen")
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順序請求是正確的響應,並行請求是不正確的響應。 。
很難理解你的問題是什麼... –
@AlexanderR。我追加了答案示例以清除問題 –
fcgi是90年代的遺留物,現在真的沒有理由使用它。這只是給這個已經不完整的例子增加了更多的未知數。 – JimB