2017-10-07 23 views

我想從使用PHP JsonReader的大型和嵌套JSON文件中提取數據,並將其放入.csv。我的問題是:使用PHP JsonReader從大型嵌套JSON文件中提取數據

  1. 打印出來的密鑰與foo_一列開始
  2. 打印出的其他對象的值在嵌套文件

我想要的CSV表this。不知何故,我沒有得到期望的結果,但我知道我有一個想法。這裏是my dummy file


require_once 'C:/xampp/htdocs/json/pcrov/vendor/autoload.php'; 
use \pcrov\JsonReader\JsonReader; 
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); 
$reader = new JsonReader(); 
$fo = fopen("csvfile.csv", "w"); 
fputs($fo, "name, companyID, ultimateHoldingCompany".PHP_EOL); 
while ($reader->read(strpos($key, "foo__"))) { 
    // I want to loop through the key that contains foo_ and print the key name 
    $companyID = null; 
    $entityName = null; 
    $uhc = null; 
    $companyID = $key 
    $entityName = $reader->value(); 
    $UltimateHoldingCompany = $reader['ultimateHoldingCompany']['name']- 



我已經測試了以下使用此dummy jsonfile的代碼,它完美地回答我張貼的問題。

require_once 'C:/xampp/htdocs/json/pcrov/vendor/autoload.php'; //make sure 
that this is a correct file path 
use \pcrov\JsonReader\JsonReader; 
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); 
$reader = new JsonReader(); 
$fo = fopen("csvfile.csv", "w"); 
fputs($fo, "name, companyID, uhc".PHP_EOL); 
    if (preg_match('/^foo_/', $reader->name())){ //To retreive keys that 
// starts with `foo_`, wildcard is employed here using regular expression 
// function in php. 
    $companyID = $reader->name(); 
    $companyID1 = str_ireplace("foo_","",$companyID); // this line is 
// necessary in order to remove foo_ because what is needed in the output 
// is everything after `foo_`. 

    if ($reader->read("entityName")){ 
     $entityName = $reader->value(); 
     $entityName = str_ireplace(","," ",$entityName); //comma need to be 
// replaced because csv treats comma as a delimiter. if comma not removed, 
// csv pushes everything after comma to another column 

    if ($reader->read("ultimateHoldingCompany")){  
     $uhcName = null; 
     $uhc = $reader->value(); 
     if (empty($uhc)){ 
     else { 
      $uhcName = $uhc[0]['name']; 
      $uhcName = str_ireplace(","," ",$uhcName); //comma need to be 
// replaced because csv treats comma as a delimiter. if comma not removed, 
// csv pushes everything after comma to another column 


    fputs($fo, $companyID1.",".$entityName.",".$uhcName.PHP_EOL); 