2017-10-20 114 views


UNet Client Disconnect Error: CRCMismatch UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkIdentity:UNetStaticUpdate()



public class Client : NetworkBehaviour { 

NetworkClient client = new NetworkClient(); 

private const int MAX_CONNECTION = 100; 

private string serverIP = ""; 
private int port = 5708; 
private int hostId; 
private int webHostId; 
private int reliableChannel; 
private int reliableSeqChannel; 
private int reliableFragChannel; 
private int unreliableChannel; 
private int unreliableSeqChannel; 

private string playerName; 
private int connectionId; 
private float connectionTime; 
private bool isStarted = false; 
private bool isConnected = false; 
private bool readyToSendMsg = false; 
private byte error; 

private GameObject infoDisplayText; 

public Texture2D texToSend; 
string typeToSend = "Deer"; 
string idToSend = "1"; 
int strengthToSend = 80; 
int hitPointsToSend = 2; 

private string GetPlayerName() 
    switch (Network.player.ipAddress.ToString()) 
     case "": 
      playerName = "SMO Server"; 

     case "": 
      playerName = "SMO Client 1"; 

     case "": 
      playerName = "SMO Client 2"; 

     case "": 
      playerName = "SMO Client 3"; 

     case "": 
      playerName = "SMO Client 4"; 

      playerName = "SMO UNREG"; 
    return playerName; 

private void Start() 
    infoDisplayText = GameObject.Find("InfoDisplay"); 

    client.RegisterHandler(AnimalDataMsgType.SYSTEM_CONNECT, OnConnected); 
    client.RegisterHandler(AnimalDataMsgType.SYSTEM_DISCONNECT, OnDisconnected); 
    client.RegisterHandler(AnimalDataMsgType.SYSTEM_ERROR, OnError); 

    client.Connect(serverIP, port); 

public void Connect() 
    string pName = GetPlayerName(); 

    if (pName == "") 

    playerName = pName; 


    ConnectionConfig cc = new ConnectionConfig(); 

    reliableChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable); 
    reliableSeqChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.ReliableSequenced); 
    reliableFragChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.ReliableFragmented); 
    unreliableChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.Unreliable); 
    unreliableSeqChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.UnreliableSequenced); 
    cc.PacketSize = 1440; 
    cc.FragmentSize = 900; 
    cc.ResendTimeout = 1000; 
    cc.DisconnectTimeout = 5000; 
    cc.ConnectTimeout = 1000; 
    cc.MaxConnectionAttempt = 5; 

    HostTopology topo = new HostTopology(cc, MAX_CONNECTION); 

    hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topo, 0); 

    // Run client/server on different machines 
    //hostID = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topo, port, null); 

    connectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect(hostId, serverIP, port, 0, out error); 

    infoDisplayText = GameObject.Find("InfoDisplay"); 
    infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += playerName + " connected.\n"; 

    connectionTime = Time.time; 
    isConnected = true; 

private void Update() 
    if (!isConnected) 

    int recHostId, connectionId, channelId; 
    byte[] recBuffer = new byte[1024]; 
    int bufferSize = 1024; 
    int dataSize; 
    byte error; 

    NetworkEventType recData = NetworkTransport.Receive(out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBuffer, bufferSize, out dataSize, out error); 

    switch (recData) 
     case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: 
      Debug.Log("Player " + connectionId + " has connected"); 
      infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += "Connected to Server.\n"; 

public void SendOnButtonPress() 
    if (readyToSendMsg == true) 
     SendTexture(texToSend, typeToSend, idToSend, strengthToSend, hitPointsToSend); 

//Call to send the Texture and a simple string message 
public void SendTexture(Texture2D tex, string type, string id, int strength, int hitpoints) 
    AnimalData animalData = new AnimalData(); 

    animalData.Tex = tex.GetRawTextureData(); 
    animalData.Type = type; 
    animalData.Id = id; 
    animalData.Strength = strength; 
    animalData.Hitpoints = hitpoints; 

    client.Send(AnimalDataMsgType.animalData, animalData); 

private void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg) 
    readyToSendMsg = true; 
    Debug.Log("Connected to server"); 

private void OnDisconnected(NetworkMessage netMsg) 
    readyToSendMsg = false; 
    Debug.Log("Disconnected from server"); 

private void OnError(NetworkMessage netMsg) 
    //SystemErrorMessage errorMsg = reader.SmartRead<SystemErrorMessage>(); 
    // Debug.Log("Error connecting with code " + errorMsg.errorCode); 
    Debug.Log("Error connecting."); 


public class Server : NetworkBehaviour 
    private const int MAX_CONNECTION = 100; 
    private int port = 5708; 
    private int hostId; 
    private int webHostId; 
    private int reliableChannel; 
    private int reliableSeqChannel; 
    private int reliableFragChannel; 
    private int unreliableChannel; 
    private int unreliableSeqChannel; 

    private bool isStarted = false; 
    private byte error; 

    private GameObject infoDisplayText; 

    private void Awake() 
     infoDisplayText = GameObject.Find("InfoDisplay"); 

    private void Start() 

     ConnectionConfig cc = new ConnectionConfig(); 

     reliableChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable); 
     reliableSeqChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.ReliableSequenced); 
     reliableFragChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.ReliableFragmented); 
     unreliableChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.Unreliable); 
     unreliableSeqChannel = cc.AddChannel(QosType.UnreliableSequenced); 

     HostTopology topo = new HostTopology(cc, MAX_CONNECTION); 

     hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(topo, port, null); 

     if (NetworkTransport.IsStarted) 
      isStarted = true; 
      Debug.Log("NetworkTransport is Started."); 
      infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += "NetworkTransport is Started.\n"; 

     Debug.Log("Server Started."); 
     infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += "Server Started.\n"; 

    private void Update() 
     if (!isStarted) 

     int recHostId, connectionId, channelId; 
     byte[] recBuffer = new byte[1024]; 
     int bufferSize = 1024; 
     int dataSize; 
     byte error; 

     NetworkEventType recData = NetworkTransport.Receive(out recHostId, out connectionId, out channelId, recBuffer, bufferSize, out dataSize, out error); 

     switch (recData) 
      case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: 
       Debug.Log("Player " + connectionId + " has connected"); 
       infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += "Player " + connectionId + " has connected\n"; 

    // Create a client and connect to the server port 
    public void setupRegisterHandler() 
     Debug.Log("Registering server callbacks"); 
     NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(AnimalDataMsgType.animalData, OnTextureReceive); 

    //Called when texture is received 
    public void OnTextureReceive(NetworkMessage netMsg) 
     AnimalData animalData = netMsg.ReadMessage<AnimalData>(); 

     string type = animalData.Type; 
     Debug.Log("Type : " + type); 

     string id = animalData.Id; 
     Debug.Log("ID : " + id); 

     int strength = animalData.Strength; 
     Debug.Log("Strength : " + strength); 

     int hitpoints = animalData.Hitpoints; 
     Debug.Log("Hit Points : " + hitpoints); 

     //Your Received Texture2D 
     Texture2D receivedtexture = new Texture2D(1280, 1024); 

     Debug.Log(type + " data received!"); 
     infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += type + " data received!\n"; 


public class AnimalDataMsgType 
    public static short animalData = MsgType.Highest + 1; 
    public static short SYSTEM_CONNECT = MsgType.Connect; 
    public static short SYSTEM_DISCONNECT = MsgType.Disconnect; 
    public static short SYSTEM_ERROR = MsgType.Error; 


public class AnimalData : MessageBase 
    public byte[] Tex;  // data coming from CanvasController 
    public string Type;  // data coming from CanvasController 
    public string Id;  // data coming from GameManager 
    public int Strength; // data coming from PlayerController 
    public int Hitpoints; // data coming from PlayerController 
    public bool IsAlive; // data coming from PlayerController 

你能否提供AnimalDataMsgType和AnimalData類?那麼,我可以嘗試弄清楚它? – ZayedUpal


@ZayedUpal我剛剛在帖子末尾添加了這些類 – greyBow


HLAPI CRC是已知NetworkBehaviour腳本和它們使用的通道(與NetworkSettingsAttribute一起)的哈希。是的,如果兩個不同(並且不兼容)的Unity項目或同一個項目的版本彼此交談,則會發生這種情況。 嘗試重建您的應用程序(或應用程序,如果客戶端和服務器是分開的)。如果你改變一些網絡代碼,並忘記重建,可能會導致這種情況。 –



我通過client.Connect(serverIP, port);前右加client.Configure(cc, 1);解決我的問題。問題是我的NetworkClient客戶端connectionConfig配置文件需要設置爲與我的NetworkTransport HostTopology中定義的配置設置相同,並且未將connectionConfig設置爲我的客戶端。連接功能導致CRC不匹配。另外,在創建我的NetworkClient實例後發送消息時,我使用client.SendByChannel,因此我可以設置我的channelId。