2015-10-15 68 views



這可能對您有用:http://stackoverflow.com/q/5642659/830125 –


非常感謝您,但它並沒有真正回答這個區別是什麼 – Jonny


沒有DOM L0規範,該術語僅用於指非標準的廣泛功能。然後他們在HTML中被標準化。 – Oriol





標記語言的某些元素可能具有關聯的事件處理程序,它們在發生某些事件時被激活。用戶代理需要能夠用靜態關聯的事件處理程序來標識這些元素(即,在內容中關聯,而不是在腳本中)。在HTML 4([HTML4],第18.2.3節)中,內部事件由以「on」開頭的屬性指定:onblur, onchange, onclick, ondblclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onload, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onreset, onselect, onsubmit, and onunload

Internet Explorer對於使用屬性分配的DOM Level 0方法定義的事件處理程序具有正確的作用域,但在使用attachEvent()時不適用。

The Level 0 DOM supports the following nodeLists: 

document.images[], which grants access to all images on the page. 
document.forms[], which grants access to all forms on the page. 
document.forms[].elements[], which grants access to all form fields in one form, whatever their tag name. This nodeList is unique to the Level 0 DOM; the W3C DOM does not have a similar construct. 
document.links[], which grants access to all links() on the page. 
document.anchors[], which grants access to all anchors() on the page. 



Event Name Notes 
1. focusin Sent before first target element receives focus 
2. focus Sent after first target element receives focus 
3. focusout Sent before first target element loses focus 
4. focusin Sent before second target element receives focus 
5. blur Sent after first target element loses focus 
6. focus Sent after second target element receives focus 


C.2.1 Legacy FocusEvent event order 

Event Name Notes 
1. focusin Sent before first target element receives focus 
2. focus Sent after first target element receives focus 
3. DOMFocusIn If supported 
4. focusout Sent before first target element loses focus 
5. focusin Sent before second target element receives focus 
6. blur Sent after first target element loses focus 
7. DOMFocusOut If supported 
8. focus Sent after second target element receives focus 
9. DOMFocusIn If supported 


<iframe src="https://www.w3.org/DOM/Graphics/dom2-map.svg" width="900" height="400"></iframe> 
<img src="https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/images/eventflow.svg" width="400" height="400"/>
