我想要做的事情與Michiel(this thread)非常相似,如果我想擁有更低或更近的解決方案,該解決方案適用於我。但是,正如我之前所解釋的,我想在最靠近的位置滾動,其中data.table的功能是roll = Inf。
DT1 = data.frame(x=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10),y=c(11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,16,15))
DT2 = data.frame(x=c(1,1,1,6,6,6,10,10),y=c(11,12,13,11,12,13,14,16), name=c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H"))
x y name
1: 1 11 A
2: 2 11 A
3: 3 11 A
4: 4 11 D
5: 5 11 D
6: 6 12 E
7: 7 12 E
8: 8 12 E
9: 9 12 G
10: 9 16 G
11: 10 15 G
x y name
1: 1 11 A
2: 2 11 A
3: 3 11 A
4: 4 11 **A** # Lowest nearest value of x:4 is 1 (A) not 6 (E)
5: 5 11 **A** # Lowest nearest value of x:5 is 1 (A) not 6 (E)
6: 6 12 E
7: 7 12 E
8: 8 12 E
9: 9 12 **E** # Lowest nearest value of x:9 is 6, and of y:12 is 12 thus E
10: 9 16 **F** # Lowest nearest value of x:9 is 6, and of y:16 is 15 thus F
11: 10 15 G
對不起,我不認爲我完全理解你的問題......你能舉出一個你希望達到的輸出的例子嗎? – zwep
對不起,我不清楚,我會更改我的問題中的示例數據集 – AnoukStats
請測試您的代碼。 DT2發生錯誤。 – Frank