2013-10-08 29 views

我試圖繪製分佈:建立並使用勒讓德多項式繪製Matplotlib 2D直方圖在極座標

distribution of interest

這是半徑的球體內部的溫度分佈(A),其上半球保持在T = 1並且下半球保持在T = 0(忽略兩個半球之間的邊界處的不連續性)並且P_l是第一類勒讓德多項式。

import pylab as pl 
from scipy.special import eval_legendre as Leg 
import math,sys 

def sumTerm(a,r,theta,l): 
    Compute term of sum given radius of sphere (a), 
    y and z coordinates, and the current index of the 
    Legendre polynomials (l) over the entire range 
    where these polynomials are orthogonal [-1,1]. 
    xRange = pl.arange(-0.99,1.0,0.01) 
    x = pl.cos(theta) 
    # correct for scipy handling negative indices incorrectly 
    lLow = l-1 
    lHigh = l+1 
    if lLow < 0: 
     lLow = -lLow-1 
    return 0.5*((r/a)**l)*Leg(l,x)*(Leg(lLow,0)-Leg(lHigh,0)) 

def main(): 

    n = 10  # number of l terms to expand to 
    a = 1.0  # radius of sphere 

    # generate r, theta values 
    aBins = pl.linspace(0, 2*pl.pi, 360)  # 0 to 360 in steps of 360/N. 
    rBins = pl.linspace(0, 1, 50) 
    theta,r = pl.meshgrid(aBins, rBins) 

    tempProfile = pl.zeros([50,360]) 
    for nr,ri in enumerate(rBins): 
     for nt,ti in enumerate(aBins): 
      temp = 0.0 
      for l in range(n): 
       temp += sumTerm(a, ri, ti, l) 
      tempProfile[nr,nt] = temp 

    # plot the Temperature profile 

if __name__=='__main__': 


enter image description here



你的代碼不能運行。你需要'將numpy作爲np'導入並定義'gs'某處 – YXD


是的,對不起,這是用於繪製笛卡兒(不是我想要的)東西的代碼的合併,以及我可以在SO上找到的繪製2d直方圖在極座標中。繪圖調用也會拋出錯誤。我對這些草率的代碼表示歉意(尷尬),但我認爲有人可能會立即知道如何做類似的事情。我也樂意接受任何有人建立其他分配的例子。 – MaxGraves




# ============================================================================= 
# Plot central cross-section of sphere under steady-state conditions 
# where the temperature on upper hemisphere is T=T_0 and the lower 
# hemisphere is held at T=0. This is an expansion in Legendre polynomials. 
# Author:   Max Graves 
# Last Revised:  8-OCT-2013 
# ============================================================================= 

import pylab as pl 

from scipy.special import eval_legendre as Leg 
import math,sys 

def sumTerm(a,r,theta,l): 
    Compute term of sum given radius of sphere (a), 
    y and z coordinates, and the current index of the 
    Legendre polynomials (l) over the entire range 
    where these polynomials are orthogonal [-1,1]. 
    xRange = pl.arange(-0.99,1.0,0.01) 
    x = pl.cos(theta) 
    # correct for scipy handling negative indices incorrectly 
    lLow = l-1 
    lHigh = l+1 
    if lLow < 0: 
     lLow = -lLow-1 
    return 0.5*((r/a)**l)*Leg(l,x)*(Leg(lLow,0)-Leg(lHigh,0)) 

def main(): 

    n = 20  # number of l terms to expand to 
    a = 1.0  # radius of sphere 

    # generate r, theta values 
    aBins = pl.linspace(0, 2*pl.pi, 360)  # 0 to 360 in steps of 360/N. 
    rBins = pl.linspace(0, 1, 50) 
    theta,r = pl.meshgrid(aBins, rBins) 

    tempProfile = pl.zeros([50,360]) 
    for nr,ri in enumerate(rBins): 
     print nr 
     for nt,ti in enumerate(aBins): 
      temp = 0.0 
      for l in range(n): 
       temp += sumTerm(a, ri, ti, l) 
      tempProfile[nr,nt] = temp 

    # plot the Temperature profile 
    fig, ax = pl.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar')) 
    pax = ax.pcolormesh(theta, r, tempProfile) 
    ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") # 'north' location for theta=0 
    ax.set_theta_direction(-1)  # angles increase clockwise 


if __name__=='__main__': 


enter image description here