- 值;
- 鍵通過提供一個值(不那麼微不足道)。
通過this討論,this答案和this other one提供了實現該工具的工具。我決定從BiDictionary中刪除「通過索引訪問」(Jon Skeet的答案),因爲模糊會比我想要的更頻繁地發生(例如,將字符串映射到字符串時)。我想出了類似字典「結構」是:
using System.Collections.Generic;
public interface IBiLookup<TLeft, TRight>
IDictionary<TLeft, ICollection<TRight>> LeftToRight { get; }
IDictionary<TRight, ICollection<TLeft>> RightToLeft { get; }
bool TryGetByLeft(TLeft left, out ICollection<TRight> rights);
bool TryGetByRight(TRight right, out ICollection<TLeft> lefts);
void Add(TLeft left, TRight right);
public class BiLookup<TLeft, TRight> : IBiLookup<TLeft, TRight>
public IDictionary<TLeft, ICollection<TRight>> LeftToRight
get { return this.leftToRight; }
public IDictionary<TRight, ICollection<TLeft>> RightToLeft
get { return this.rightToLeft; }
public bool TryGetByLeft(TLeft left, out ICollection<TRight> rights)
return LeftToRight.TryGetValue(left, out rights);
public bool TryGetByRight(TRight right, out ICollection<TLeft> lefts)
return RightToLeft.TryGetValue(right, out lefts);
public void Add(TLeft left, TRight right)
AddLeftToRight(left, right);
AddRightToLeft(right, left);
private void AddLeftToRight(TLeft left, TRight right)
ICollection<TRight> rights;
// 1) Is there an entry associated with the "left" value?
// 2) If so, is the "right" value already associated?
if (!TryGetByLeft(left, out rights))
// Then we have to add an entry in the leftToRight dictionary.
rights = new List<TRight> { right };
// So there are entries associated with the "left" value.
// We must verify if the "right" value itself is not there.
if (((List<TRight>)rights).FindIndex(element => element.Equals(right)) < 0)
// We don't have that association yet.
// The value is already in the list: do nothing.
LeftToRight[left] = rights;
private void AddRightToLeft(TRight right, TLeft left)
ICollection<TLeft> lefts;
// 1) Is there an entry associated with the "right" value?
// 2) If so, is the "left" value already associated?
if (!TryGetByRight(right, out lefts))
// Then we have to add an entry in the leftToRight dictionary.
lefts = new List<TLeft> { left };
// So there are entries associated with the "right" value.
// We must verify if the "right" value itself is not there.
if (((List<TLeft>)lefts).FindIndex(element => element.Equals(left)) < 0)
// We don't have that association yet.
// The value is already in the list: do nothing.
RightToLeft[right] = lefts;
#region Fields
private IDictionary<TLeft, ICollection<TRight>> leftToRight = new Dictionary<TLeft, ICollection<TRight>>();
private IDictionary<TRight, ICollection<TLeft>> rightToLeft = new Dictionary<TRight, ICollection<TLeft>>();
如果您想討論性能,指定需求是一個好主意。它看起來像你不關心添加性能,但希望兩個查找O(1)。 – 2013-03-05 17:20:03
你是對的,但由於需求有些「鬆散」,我只想確保不會爲簡單(和過度使用)的添加(...)操作添加不必要的開銷。 – victorph 2013-03-05 17:23:05