2016-10-03 21 views


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <math.h> 

float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 
void printTable(float MonthlyPayment, float p, float YearRate,float YearTerm); 

int main() 

    float n, p, r, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, YearTerm; 

    printf("Enter the loan amount: "); 
    scanf("%f", &p); 

    if (p <= 0.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
     while (p <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nEnter the loan amount: "); 
      scanf("%f", &p); 

    printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
    scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

    if (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be > 0.0 amd <= 30.0.\n"); 
     while (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
      printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
      scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

    printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
    scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 

    if (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
     while (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
      scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 

    float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
    float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
    void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 

    return 0; 

float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm) 
    float r = YearRate/12; 
    float n = YearTerm*12; 
    float MonthlyPayment = 0; 

    MonthlyPayment = (r*p)/1-((1+r)/n); 

    return MonthlyPayment; 

float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate) 
    float r = 0; 
    r = ((YearRate)/12)/12; 

    return r; 


void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n) 

    printf("LOAN INFORMATION\n"); 
    printf("Initial loan amount: %.2f\n", p); 
    printf("Annual interest rate: %.3f\n", YearRate); 
    printf("Monthly interest rate: %.3f\n", r); 
    printf("Term of loan (years): %f\n", YearTerm); 
    printf("Term of loan (months): %f\n", n); 
    printf("Monthly payment amount: %.2f\n", MonthlyPayment); 


你需要比這個更具體* * *。說'問題出在功能上'有點像飛機機械師說的'問題出在飛機的某個地方'。當你說你的程序不起作用你是什麼意思?它編譯失敗嗎?如果是這樣,您需要提供錯誤的詳細信息。如果不是,則需要提供您正在提供的輸入的詳細信息和您期望的輸出以及實際輸出。更好的是,提供一個MVCE(http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) –


將來,請解釋你的程序的預期行爲是什麼以及它實際做了什麼;如果編譯失敗,那麼告訴我們你的編譯器給你什麼錯誤消息。儘管一旦你開始尋找它,問題就突顯出來,但情況並非總是如此。即使其他人在嘗試運行代碼時遇到問題,他們也無法確定是否遇到了同樣的問題。謝謝。 –




int main() 

    // ... 

    float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
    float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
    void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 

    // ... 


int main() 

    // ... 

    r = computeMonthlyInterest(p, YearRate); // r should be labeled better. 
    MonthlyPayment = computeMonthlyPayment(p, YearRate, YearTerm); 
    printLoanInfo(p, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, r, YearTerm, n); 

    // ... 


int main() 

    // ... 

    r = computeMonthlyInterest(p, YearRate); 
    n = YearTerm * 12; // You did this in computeMonthlyPayment(), but not here. 
    MonthlyPayment = computeMonthlyPayment(p, YearRate, YearTerm); 
    printLoanInfo(p, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, r, YearTerm, n); 

    // ... 


int main() 

    float n, p, r, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, YearTerm; 

    printf("Enter the loan amount: "); 
    scanf("%f", &p); 

    if (p <= 0.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
     while (p <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nEnter the loan amount: "); 
      scanf("%f", &p); 

    printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
    scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

    if (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be > 0.0 amd <= 30.0.\n"); 
     while (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
      printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
      scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

    printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
    scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 

    if (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
     printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
     while (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
      scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 

    // Remove these lines: 
    // float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
    // float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
    // void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 

    // Add these lines: 
    r = computeMonthlyInterest(p, YearRate); 
    n = YearTerm * 12; 
    MonthlyPayment = computeMonthlyPayment(p, YearRate, YearTerm); 
    printLoanInfo(p, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, r, YearTerm, n); 

    return 0; 


float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 



variable1 = computeMonthlyInterest(p, YearRate); 
variable2 = computeMonthlyPayment(p, YearRate, YearTerm); 
printLoanInfo(p, MonthlyPayment, YearRate, r, YearTerm, n); 

本質上講,這將刪除函數參數類型說明並通過實際值。 variable1variable2是您需要在這些語句之前定義(可能包含更多有意義的名稱)以保存返回值的變量。據推測,您還需要在main()中編寫更多代碼才能使用這些變量。



#include <stdio.h> 
    #include <math.h> 

    float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm); 
    float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate); 
    void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n); 
    void printTable(float MonthlyPayment, float p, float YearRate,float YearTerm);//why are you defining this if it doesn't exist? 

    int main() 

     float n=0, p, r=0, MonthlyPayment=0, YearRate, YearTerm; 

     printf("Enter the loan amount: "); 
     scanf("%f", &p); 

     if (p <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
      while (p <= 0.0) 
       printf("\nEnter the loan amount: "); 
       scanf("%f", &p); 

     printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
     scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

     if (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
      printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be > 0.0 amd <= 30.0.\n"); 
      while (YearRate <= 0.0 || YearRate > 30.0) 
       printf("\nEnter annual interest rate: "); 
       scanf("%f", &YearRate); 

     printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
     scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 

     if (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
      printf("\nERROR: Invalid rate; must be greater than 0\n"); 
      while (YearTerm <= 0.0) 
       printf("\nEnter the term of the loan (in years): "); 
       scanf("%f", &YearTerm); 



    float computeMonthlyPayment(float p, float YearRate, float YearTerm) 
     float r = YearRate/(12*100); 
     float n = YearTerm*12; 

     return (p*r*pow(1 + r, n))/(pow(1 + r, n) - 1); // just return the calculation  

    float computeMonthlyInterest(float p, float YearRate) 
     float r = 0; 

     return (r = ((YearRate)/12)/12); 

    void printLoanInfo(float p, float MonthlyPayment, float YearRate, float r, float YearTerm, float n) 

     printf("LOAN INFORMATION\n"); 
     printf("Initial loan amount: %.2f\n", p); 
     printf("Annual interest rate: %.3f\n", YearRate); 
     printf("Monthly interest rate: %.3f\n",  computeMonthlyInterest(p,YearRate)); //call function computeMonthlyInterest 
     printf("Term of loan (years): %.0f\n", YearTerm); 
     printf("Term of loan (months): %.0f\n", (YearTerm * 12));//simple calc for number of months 
     printf("Monthly payment amount: %.2f\n", computeMonthlyPayment(p,YearRate,YearTerm)); // call function computeMonthlyPayment 
