// xi and yi stand for x and y axis input index
for (int xi = 0; xi < this.inputNumberOfColumnsAlongXAxis; xi++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < this.inputNumberOfColumnsAlongYAxis; yi++)
InputCell inputCell = new InputCell(xi, yi);
Synapse synapse = new Synapse(inputCell);
// add (inputDataScaleReductionOnXAxis * inputDataScaleReductionOnYAxis)
// number of synapses to a proximalSegment.
for (int x = 0; x < this.numberOfColumnsAlongXAxis; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.numberOfColumnsAlongYAxis; y++)
int inputX =
(int)Math.round(x * inputDataScaleReductionOnXAxis);
int inputY =
(int)Math.round(y * inputDataScaleReductionOnYAxis);
this.columns[(y * this.numberOfColumnsAlongXAxis) + x] =
new Column(this, inputX, inputY, x, y);
// only add the square of synapses directly under the proximal segment
while (xi < this.inputDataScaleReductionOnXAxis * (x + 1))
while (yi < this.inputDataScaleReductionOnYAxis * (y + 1))
this.getColumn(x, y).getProximalSegment().addSynapse(synapse);
看起來在每個循環中,您在處理不同的集合。你能提供關於你的程序的簡要描述嗎? –
我想那時我會問的第一個問題是,「你對這些循環的意圖是什麼?」這很難推測,從第一眼.. – Makoto
我看到一堆達官顯貴唱反調下我的投票規則,但似乎沒有人願意落筆將任何實際的建議。全都說話,不走。 –