record 'a Group = "'a carrier" +
top :: "['a, 'a ] ⇒ 'a" (infixl "⋅ı" 70)
iop :: "'a ⇒ 'a" ("ρı _" [81] 80)
one :: "'a" ("ı")
locale Group =
fixes G (structure)
assumes top_closed: "top G ∈ carrier G → carrier G → carrier G"
and tassoc : "⟦a ∈ carrier G; b ∈ carrier G; c ∈ carrier G⟧ ⟹
(a ⋅ b) ⋅ c = a ⋅ (b ⋅ c)"
and iop_closed:"iop G ∈ carrier G → carrier G"
and l_i :"a ∈ carrier G ⟹ (ρ a) ⋅ a = "
and unit_closed: " ∈ carrier G"
and l_unit:"a ∈ carrier G ⟹ ⋅ a = a"
T :: 'a set set and
objectsmap :: "'a set ⇒ ('a, 'm) Ring_scheme" and
restrictionsmap:: "('a set ×'a set) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a)"
definition prestalk :: "'a ⇒('a set × 'a) set" where
"prestalk x = { (U,s). (U ∈ T) ∧ x ∈U ∧ (s ∈ carrier (objectsmap U))}"
definition stalkrel :: "'a ⇒ (('a set × 'a) × ('a set × 'a)) set" where
"stalkrel x = {((U,s), (V,t)). (U,s) ∈ prestalk x ∧ (V,t) ∈ prestalk x ∧ (∃W. W ⊆ U∩V ∧ x∈W ∧
restrictionsmap (V,W) t = restrictionsmap (U,W)) s} "
我然後證明,對於每個x stalkrel x是一個等價關係,以及定義:
definition germ:: "'a ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a set × 'a) set" where
"germ x U s = {(V,t). ((U,s),(V,t)) ∈ stalkrel x}"
definition stalk:: "'a ⇒(('a set × 'a) set) set" where
"stalk x = {w. (∃ U s. w = germ x U s ∧ (U,s) ∈ prestalk x) }"
我試圖表明,對每個x此稈x是一個環,環的操作是「BUI lt「出環objectsmap (U∩V)
的環操作,即,我想germ x U s + germ x V t
爲germ x (U∩V) (restrictionsmap (U, (U∩V)) s + restrictionsmap (V, (U∩V)) t)
,其中最後的總和是環objectsmap (U∩V)
輝煌,但我遇到了一個愚蠢的問題,而試圖implementwhen定義在另一個方面我的新環操作..我只是用控制塊會做的伎倆,但它提供了一個內在的語法錯誤和失敗分析認爲。 –
這裏是我的嘗試:功能stalk_pop :: 「 'A⇒[(' 一組× '一)組,(' 一組× '一)組] ⇒(' 一組×「一)組」,其中「stalk_pop X(胚芽X U S)(胚芽x垂直噸)=胚芽X(U∩V)(pop⇘objectsmap(U∩V)⇙(restrictionsmap(U,U∩V)S) (restrictionsmap(V,U∩ V)t))「| 「stalk_pop X _ _ =未定義」(後來試圖證明是明確的,其實我喜歡用的定義命令,但它會抱怨LHS的論點。這裏胚芽先前定義的常量和objectsmap需要一套戒指)。 –
對於'stalk_pop'問題的回答太少了。如果'germ'是數據類型的構造函數,則嘗試使用函數包(命令'fun')來定義'stalk_pop'。如果'germ'是別的東西(特別是它是非內射函數),那麼你將很難定義和使用'stalk_pop'。通常將stalk_pop的定義推廣到任意參數並從中推導給定的方程。 –