2013-06-24 61 views

所以我創建了這個使用許多不同類的BlackJack Java遊戲來學習如何使用OO進行編程。然而,我真的被困在這個特定的部分,讓代碼在手中顯示正確的卡片。它只顯示一個奇怪的字符串,例如[email protected],或者具有不同的字符顯示。想知道如何將其轉換爲實際的卡片價值和等級?在BlackJack Java卡上總有一些問題ouptput


public static final int SPADE = 0, HEART = 1, DIAMOND = 2, CLUB = 3; 

* Maps the names for the suits as a string. 
private Map<Integer, String> suitMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); 

* ID for the suit 
private int suitId = 0; 

* sets the id for the suit to get. 
public Suit(int suitId) { 
    suitMap.put(SPADE, "Spades"); 
    suitMap.put(HEART, "Hearts"); 
    suitMap.put(DIAMOND, "Diamonds"); 
    suitMap.put(CLUB, "Clubs"); 

    this.suitId = suitId; 

public String toString() { 
    return suitMap.get(suitId); 

* @param suitId 
* @return suitMap 
public String getSuitNameById(int suitId) { 
    return suitMap.get(suitId); 

* @return id of suit 
public String getSuitName() { 
    return suitMap.get(suitId); 

* @return the suitId 
public int getSuitId() { 
    return suitId; 

* @param suitId the suitId to set 
public void setSuitId(int suitId) { 
    this.suitId = suitId; 

* @return the suitMap 
public Map<Integer, String> getSuitMap() { 
    return suitMap; 

* @param suitMap the suitMap to set 
public void setSuitMap(Map<Integer, String> suitMap) { 
    this.suitMap = suitMap; 



private boolean stateOfCard = false; 

* Gives the constant values to ace jack queen and king for being special 
* types of cards. 
public final static int ACE = 1, JACK = 11, QUEEN = 12, KING = 13; 

* Maps names to the ace jack queen and king cards. 
private Map<Integer, String> nameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); 

* Rank or type of card (2-9, J,Q,K, A) 
private String cardRank = null; 

* Card suit 
private Suit suit = null; 

* Numeric value of the card 
private int cardValue = 0; 

* Gives you the suit, cardRank, and the cardValue 
public Card(Suit suit, String cardRank, int cardValue) { 
    nameMap.put(ACE, "Ace"); 
    nameMap.put(JACK, "Jack"); 
    nameMap.put(QUEEN, "Queen"); 
    nameMap.put(KING, "King"); 

    if (cardValue >= 11 || cardValue == 1) cardRank = nameMap.get(cardValue); 

    this.suit = suit; 
    this.cardRank = cardRank; 
    this.cardValue = cardValue; 
* Displays to user the rank and suit of the card. 
public String toString() { 
    return cardRank + " of " + suit.getSuitName(); 

* @return the cardRank 
public String getCardRank() { 
    return cardRank; 

* @param cardRank the cardRank to set 
public void setCardRank(String cardRank) { 
    this.cardRank = cardRank; 

* @return the suit 
public Suit getSuit() { 
    return suit; 

* @param suit the suit to set 
public void setSuit(Suit suit) { 
    this.suit = suit; 

* @return the cardValue 
public int getCardValue() { 
    return cardValue; 

* @param cardValue the cardValue to set 
public void setCardValue(int cardValue) { 
    this.cardValue = cardValue; 

* @return the nameMap 
public Map<Integer, String> getNameMap() { 
    return nameMap; 

* @param nameMap the nameMap to set 
public void setNameMap(Map<Integer, String> nameMap) { 
    this.nameMap = nameMap; 
* @return the stateOfCard 
public boolean isStateOfCard() { 
    return stateOfCard; 

* @param stateOfCard the stateOfCard to set 
public void setStateOfCard(boolean stateOfCard) { 
    this.stateOfCard = stateOfCard; 



* Deck of cards created 
private ArrayList<Card> deck = new ArrayList<Card>(); 

* Keeps track of the cards that are dealt and no longer available 
private List<Card> cardUsed = new ArrayList<Card>(); 

* The array of cards in a set. Can be shuffled and drawn from. Deck of any #. 
* @param cards 
public Deck(int numCards) { 
    this.createDeck(numCards, 4); 

* creates a deck that has cards in it with 4 suits of each 13 cards. 
* @param numCards 
* @param numSuits 
private void createDeck(int numCards, int numSuits) { 
    deck = new ArrayList<Card>(); 
    cardUsed = new ArrayList<Card>(); 
    if ((numCards % numSuits) > 0) return; 
    for (int i=0; i < numSuits; i++) { 

     for(int j=1; j <= (numCards/numSuits); j++) { 
      deck.add(new Card(new Suit(i), j + "", j)); 

* Deals a card to the hand. Sends dealt card to the cardUsed list so that 
* a used card will not be drawn again unless deck is shuffled. 
* @return dealtCard 
public Card dealCard() { 

    Card dealtCard = null; 
    if (deck.size() == 0){ 
     cardUsed = new ArrayList<Card>(); 

    dealtCard = deck.get(0); 

    return dealtCard; 

* Shuffles the cards after every round. 
public void shuffle() { 

* @return the deck 
public ArrayList<Card> getDeck() { 
    return deck; 

* @param deck the deck to set 
public void setDeck(ArrayList<Card> deck) { 
    this.deck = deck; 

* Returns the number of used cards 
* @return 
public int getNumUsedCards() { 
    return cardUsed.size(); 

* @return the cardUsed 
public List<Card> getCardUsed() { 
    return cardUsed; 

* @param cardUsed the cardUsed to set 
public void setCardUsed(List<Card> cardUsed) { 
    this.cardUsed = cardUsed; 



private ArrayList<Card> hand = new ArrayList<Card>(); 
int total = 0; 

* A list of cards that can be defined as hand. Player has a list of these 
* cards in a hand. 
public Hand(){ 


public boolean isAce() { 

    return false; 

public boolean discardHand(){ 
    if (hand.isEmpty()) { 
     hand = new ArrayList<Card>(); 
    return false; 
* Adds the card to the hand in a list of cards. 
* @param c 
public void addCard(Card c) { 

* Gets the place value of the card in the hand. 
* @param index 
* @return index of card in hand 
public Card getPosition(int index){ 
    return hand.get(index); 

* Gets how many cards are in the player's hand. 
* @return hand size 
public int handCardCount(){ 
    return hand.size(); 

* @return the total 
public int getTotal() { 
    return total; 

* @param total the total to set 
public void setTotal(int total) { 
    this.total = total; 

* @return the hand 
public ArrayList<Card> getHand() { 
    return hand; 

* @param hand the hand to set 
public void setHand(ArrayList<Card> hand) { 
    this.hand = hand; 



private Hand myCards = new Hand(); 
private int playerCashAmount = 100; 

public Player() { 


public Player(String name) { 
    this.name = name; 

* Gets the name of the user from the parent class 
public String getName() { 
    return super.getName(); 

* @return the playerCashAmount 
public int getPlayerCashAmount() { 
    return playerCashAmount; 

* @param playerCashAmount the playerCashAmount to set 
public void setPlayerCashAmount(int playerCashAmount) { 
    this.playerCashAmount = playerCashAmount; 

* @return the myCards 
public Hand getMyCards() { 
    return myCards; 

* @param myCards the myCards to set 
public void setMyCards(Hand myCards) { 
    this.myCards = myCards; 



private String dealCards = null; 
private String playCards = null; 
private String shuffleDeck = null; 
private Hand computerCards = new Hand(); 

public Dealer() { 


* @return the dealCards 
public String getDealCards() { 
    return dealCards; 

* @param dealCards the dealCards to set 
public void setDealCards(String dealCards) { 
    this.dealCards = dealCards; 

* @return the playCards 
public String getPlayCards() { 
    return playCards; 

* @param playCards the playCards to set 
public void setPlayCards(String playCards) { 
    this.playCards = playCards; 

* @return the shuffleDeck 
public String getShuffleDeck() { 
    return shuffleDeck; 

* @param shuffleDeck the shuffleDeck to set 
public void setShuffleDeck(String shuffleDeck) { 
    this.shuffleDeck = shuffleDeck; 

* @return the computerCards 
public Hand getComputerCards() { 
    return computerCards; 

* @param computerCards the computerCards to set 
public void setComputerCards(Hand computerCards) { 
    this.computerCards = computerCards; 


公共類Person {

保護的字符串名稱= NULL; 手h =新手();

public Person() { 


* @return the name 
public String getName() { 
    return name; 

* @param name the name to set 
public void setName(String name) { 
    this.name = name; 

* @return the h 
public Hand getH() { 
    return h; 

* @param h the h to set 
public void setH(Hand h) { 
    this.h = h; 


公共類GameEngine {

static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
private Dealer dealer = null; 
List<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>(); 
Hand h = new Hand(); 
Person p = new Player(); 
Player pl = new Player(); 
int bet = 0; 
Deck d = null; 
int num = 0; 

public GameEngine() { 


* Plays the game by creating a new instance of the gameplay class. 
* @param args 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
    GameEngine ge = new GameEngine(); 

* Game of BlackJack, runs all the methods that it will call to. 
public void gamePlay() { 
    // States the title of the game. 

    // Shuffles the deck and creates the number of cards for it. 

    // Prompts user for number of players. 

    // Displays welcome message and asks for user's name. 

    // Deal initial cards 

    // Place bet on the current round. 
    //this.betAmount(pl, bet); 

    // Evaluate, get player choice (stay or hit or bust) 

    // Evaluate if bust. 

    // Deal more cards to each user. 

    // All players bust/stay. 

    // Evaluate winner. 


* Initializes the deck and shuffles it. 
public void deckStart() { 
    d = new Deck(52); 

* Displays welcome message to the player. 
public void welcomeToGame(){ 
    System.out.println("This is BlackJack (Double Exposure)\n\n"); 

* Asks for name input and then welcomes them with name. 
public void greetUser() { 
    System.out.print("Enter your name: "); 
    System.out.println("Welcome, " + p.getName() + "."); 

* Prompts user to input how many opponents they would like to face in the game of BlackJack. 
* @param num 
public void howManyPlayers(int num) { 
    players = new ArrayList<Player>(); 
    System.out.print("How many other players would you like for this game? Enter here: "); 
    num = in.nextInt(); 
    for (int i=0; i < num; i++) { 
     players.add(new Player("Player " + i)); 

* Asks the player how much money they will bet on the hand. 
* @param pl 
* @param bet 
public void betAmount(Player pl, int bet) { 
    while (bet == 0 || bet > pl.getPlayerCashAmount()) { 
     System.out.print("You have $" + pl.getPlayerCashAmount() + " as of now. Please enter a bet amount: "); 
     bet = in.nextInt(); 
     System.out.println("You are going to bet $" + bet + "."); 
     if (bet < 0 || bet > pl.getPlayerCashAmount()) 
      System.out.println("\nYour answer must be between $0 and $" + pl.getPlayerCashAmount()); 
     else if (bet == pl.getPlayerCashAmount()) 
      System.out.println("All in!"); 

* Deals the cards to each of the players. 
public void beginCardDeal() { 
    for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { 
     System.out.print("\nDealer is dealing a card. . . \n"); 
     System.out.println("\nYour hand: " + pl.getMyCards()); 
     //System.out.println("New hand value test::: " + pl.getMyCards().addCard(d.dealCard())); 

* Checks to see if the player's hand value is over 21. If yes then player 
* loses that round. 
public void isBust(){ 
    if (h.getTotal() > 21) { 
     System.out.println("Sorry, you have gone over 21 and busted."); 
     int money = pl.getPlayerCashAmount() - bet; 
     System.out.println("You lost $"+bet+", and now you have "+money); 

* Counts the total value of cards each player holds in their hand. 
public void evaluatePlayer(){ 
    System.out.println("Your hand value is: "); 


public String takeHitOrStay(){ 
    while (pl.getMyCards().getTotal() < 21){ 
     System.out.println("Would you like to hit[h] or stay[s]? "); 
     String choice = in.next(); 
     if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("h")){ 
      if (choice.equalsIgnoreCase("s")){ 
       //finish this. 
     return choice; 
    return null; 

* @return the deck 
public Deck getDeck() { 
    return d; 

* @param deck the deck to set 
public void setDeck(Deck deck) { 
    this.d = deck; 

* @return the player 
public Player getPlayer() { 
    return pl; 

* @param player the player to set 
public void setPlayer(Player player) { 
    this.pl = player; 

* @return the dealer 
public Dealer getDealer() { 
    return dealer; 

* @param dealer the dealer to set 
public void setDealer(Dealer dealer) { 
    this.dealer = dealer; 



public String toString(){ 
    return c.getCardValue() + " of " + s.getSuitName(); 



你需要一個'的toString ()''手'的方法。而且,這比需要的複雜10倍多。很高興你避免了菜鳥程序員使用字符串代替整數來表示卡牌等級和套裝的最常見的錯誤。但是當你使用HashMap來獲取字符串時,它可能是一個普通的數組。您有不同名稱的多個重複方法 - 這是不可維護性的一個方法。卡有成員的西裝和等級 - 這很好 - 但'cardValue'應該是什麼?一張牌是一套西裝和一個等級,就是這樣。再次,一個簡單的排名名稱數組。 –


我打算使用cardValue來獲得它在21點遊戲中給你的點數。例如,一個國王的等級爲13,X的套裝,並且在BlackJack中的卡片價值爲10.讓我知道在我的思維方面是否有缺陷,因爲我仍在努力處理返回正確值的代碼。 – DarkZal





toString方法返回由 其中物體是一個實例,所述-SIGN 字符`的類的名稱的字符串@」,以及該對象的散列 代碼的無符號十六進制表示。換句話說,該方法返回一個字符串等於 ,它的值:

的getClass()的getName()+ '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()方法)


謝謝!我怎麼在我的課堂上覆蓋它,所以輸出是卡?不太確定,因爲我一個月前纔開始學習Java。 – DarkZal


將'Hand'的'Cards'連接成'String'。 Java會在任何被連接成String的對象上調用'toString()'。所以實際上,你的'Hand'' toString()'實現將依次調用'''''toString()'(隱式地)。 – rgettman


非常感謝。我被困在那裏一天半了。我很感激幫助。 – DarkZal