public interface IWatcher
void BeginWatch();
//this watcher is responsible for watching over a sql query result
public class DBWatcher : IWatcher
void BeginWatch()
//Here a timer is created which contiously checks the SQL query result.
//And would Call SERVICE, send an EMAIL and LOG into a file
Timer watchIterator = new Timer(this._intervalMinutes * 60000);
watchIterator.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(_watchIterator_Elapsed);
void _watchIterator_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
//1. Check Query result
//3. Call SERVICE, send an EMAIL and LOG into a file if result is not as was expected
//I have done the work to this part!
//And I can do the functions as follows .. it should be simple.
//But I want the above three methods to be present in one place so i dont have to replicate same functionality in different watcher.
//One approach could be to create a seperate class and wrape the above mentioned functions in it, create an instance of that class here and call them.
//Second option, which I am interested in but dont know how to do, is to have this functionality in the parent class which actually creates the tasks and have each watcher use it from HERE ...
//this watcher is responsible for watching over Folder
public class FolderWatcher : IWatcher
void BeginWatch()
///Same as above
在CallWebService(消息)執行後,這個任務不會停止嗎?在我的情況下,我不希望任務被阻止。它將永遠運行。和thanx的鏈接。我會讀它。 – Aamir 2013-05-09 16:53:58
是的,這個任務會在之後停止。我編輯了我的答案以提供一個無限運行的版本。 – Chris 2013-05-09 17:39:17
非常感謝您的解釋......我編輯了我的問題,包含了一些代碼片段,介紹了我在做什麼/如何做...這將使您清楚地瞭解我需要什麼。真的很抱歉沒有提供此之前......我應該有 – Aamir 2013-05-09 19:14:31