我安裝的軟件包SublimePythonIDE。 Error-Highlightning工作正常,但autocopletion不起作用。這裏我的配置:崇高文字的Python自動完成
// leave empty string to use default system interpreter
// e.g. /usr/local/bin/python
// or "C:\\Python27\\python.exe"
// if you use virtualenvs, then set the absolute path to the virtualenv's
// python in your project settings (Project->Edit Project) as in:
// {
// "folders": ...
// "settings":
// {
// "python_interpreter": "/Users/USER/.virtualenvs/PROJECT/bin/python"
// }
// }
"python_interpreter": "D:/Python27/",
// make python_open_documentation command output in a view or in the output
// panel if false
"open_pydoc_in_view": false,
// when a doc view is created it will be placed in the active view group
// if false and only one group exist then a new group will be created
"create_view_in_same_group": false,
// Linter settings
"python_linting": true,
"python_linter_mark_style": "outline", // "none" or "outline"
"python_linter_gutter_marks": true,
"python_linter_gutter_marks_theme": "simple", // see folder gutter_mark_themes
"pep8": true,
"pep8_ignore": [],
"pep8_max_line_length": 80,
"pyflakes_ignore": []
可能不是你有興趣,但對崇高包蟒蛇似乎工作良好開箱。它使用pythonpath來查找我認爲自動完成的解釋器。它也會出錯handeling和linting。此外,標準「你嘗試關閉和再次打開」? :P – M4rtini