類我有下面的代碼片段, /*
* The drink class, which defines the characteristics of the drink, in its simplest form, has its name
class Drink {
constructor(drinkName) {
this.Name = drinkName;
我安裝Gitgutter的包裝上崇高的文本3,但它似乎沒有工作,我調試支持信息和得到這個: 崇高文本3143 平臺:窗戶 拱門:X32 GitGutter 1.7.8 通過PC安裝:真 Git版本,因此無法獲取! 未安裝mdpopups! markdown未安裝! pygments版本無法獲取! jinja2未安裝! I also tried re-installing it, and still
我配置了Sublime text 3來編譯和執行Python 3.5代碼,並已成功運行幾個小程序。然而,當我嘗試運行這個簡單的代碼來計算一個數的平方,用戶可以輸入,控制檯將不返回最終的答案: def square():
num = int(input("Please enter the number you wish to square: "))
answer = num **