我對統一編程比較陌生,以前從未使用過assetbundles。我正在使用示例項目,每個人都可以從統一網站下載並根據需要進行調整,我已經知道如何使用加載場景功能,這是我需要的,但是加載場景腳本是我目前使用的不是下載資產捆綁包,而是從計算機中的某個地方加載它。 我正在開發一個Android/IOS應用程序,我們的目標是創建一個簡單的菜單場景,然後從服務器下載資源包並加載場景。一旦用戶下載,所有數據都需要存儲在手機中。我嘗試了一切,但我無法使它工作,即使在統一文檔中的代碼似乎不適用於我。請,如果有人能幫助我,這裏是LoadScenes腳本的代碼。我對統一資產包管理器附帶的原始代碼進行的唯一修改是,包名稱和場景名稱由按鈕傳遞。該腳本當前從計算機中的文件夾加載捆綁包,這不是我所需要的,我需要從服務器下載捆綁包,然後從設備中的文件夾加載捆綁包。謝謝!LoadFromCacheOrDownload的正確用法是什麼?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using AssetBundles;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LoadScenes : MonoBehaviour{
public string sceneAssetBundle;
public string sceneName;
public string sName;
public string bName;
// Use this for initialization
IEnumerator Start()
yield return StartCoroutine(Initialize());
// Load level.
yield return StartCoroutine(InitializeLevelAsync (sceneName, true));
public void getScene(string sName){
sceneName = sName;
public void getBundle(string bName){
sceneAssetBundle = bName;
// Initialize the downloading url and AssetBundleManifest object.
public IEnumerator Initialize(){
// Don't destroy this gameObject as we depend on it to run the loading script.
// With this code, when in-editor or using a development builds: Always use the AssetBundle Server
// (This is very dependent on the production workflow of the project.
// Another approach would be to make this configurable in the standalone player.)
// Use the following code if AssetBundles are embedded in the project for example via StreamingAssets folder etc:
AssetBundleManager.SetSourceAssetBundleURL(Application.dataPath + "/");
// Or customize the URL based on your deployment or configuration
// Initialize AssetBundleManifest which loads the AssetBundleManifest object.
var request = AssetBundleManager.Initialize();
if (request != null)
yield return StartCoroutine(request);
public IEnumerator InitializeLevelAsync (string levelName, bool isAdditive)
// This is simply to get the elapsed time for this phase of AssetLoading.
float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
// Load level from assetBundle.
AssetBundleLoadOperation request = AssetBundleManager.LoadLevelAsync(sceneAssetBundle, levelName, isAdditive);
if (request == null)
yield break;
yield return StartCoroutine(request);
// Calculate and display the elapsed time.
float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime;
Debug.Log("Finished loading scene " + levelName + " in " + elapsedTime + " seconds");
LoadFromCacheOrDownload的正確用法是提供包含您嘗試下載的資產包的URL的版本號。也就是說,你會說它會是什麼版本。如果您之前對相同版本號的同一捆綁包進行了調用,它將嘗試從緩存中加載它。如果沒有,它會從服務器下載它。但是,你想要的行爲似乎只是下載文件並存儲它。在這種情況下,請勿使用LoadFromCacheOrDownload。 – Bart