>>> def func_has_positional_args(func):
std_args = func.func_code.co_argcount
wildcard_args = len(func.func_code.co_varnames) - std_args
if wildcard_args == 2:
return True # yes, has both positional and keyword args
elif wildcard_args == 0:
return False # has neither positional, nor keyword args
raise NotImplementedError('Unable to tell')
>>> func_has_keyword_args = func_has_positional_args
>>> def test1(a, b, *args, **kwargs): pass
>>> func_has_positional_args(test1), func_has_keyword_args(test1)
(True, True)
>>> def test2(a, b): pass
>>> func_has_positional_args(test2), func_has_keyword_args(test2)
(False, False)
>>> def test3(a, b, *args): pass
>>> func_has_positional_args(test3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#52>", line 1, in <module>
File "<pyshell#41>", line 9, in func_has_positional_args
raise NotImplementedError('Unable to tell')
NotImplementedError: Unable to tell
# Already satisfied with above code:
assert func_has_positional_args(test1) == True
assert func_has_keyword_args(test1) == True
assert func_has_positional_args(test2) == False
assert func_has_keyword_args(test2) == False
# Missing functionality (tests are failing):
assert func_has_positional_args(test3) == True
assert func_has_keyword_args(test3) == False
此外,Python 3是否改變任何關於此功能或其行爲?
...我不知道我真的密切關注這一點,但你不找'inspect.getargspec'?你在做什麼不同? – mgilson
@mgilson:是的,bullseye;)看起來我太專注於查找函數屬性,而不是查看'inspect'模塊......您是否願意將它作爲答案發布? – Tadeck