作爲成本的輸出。 -1-0-3-1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define infinity 999
int main (void){
int dij[4][4] = {{0,3,8,6},
int visit[4];
int cost[4];
int previous[4];
//filling the visit, cost, previous arrays
for(int j=0; j<4; j++){
visit[j] = 0;
cost[j] = infinity;
previous[j] = -1;
}//adding the values to the arrays
//node I am on
cost[0] = 0; //first position in the cost array is set to 0
int counter = 0; //counter for the while loop
int currentRow = 0; //checks for the rows holding th smallest value in the dij array
while(counter < 4){
int min = infinity; //min value is set to infinity at the beginning of program
for(int y=0; y<4; y++){
//if the cost at the current position in th cost array is < min and the node is not visited
if(cost[y] < min && visit[y] == 0){
min = cost[y];
currentRow = y;
visit[currentRow] = 1;
}//for loop for col of dij array.
//loop to look at the cost array to find the lowest cost unvisited node and set row to that index value
for(int x=0; x<4; x++){
if(visit[x] != 1){
if(min + dij[currentRow][x] < cost[x]){
cost[x] = min + dij[currentRow][x];
previous[x] = currentRow;
}//while loop for x column of dij array.
嘗試通過各種可能一步走手,並具有代碼打印的所有步驟,看看它在那裏發散。我不知道是否有人會爲你調試你的邏輯錯誤。 –
我已經找到了它在哪裏變化到7,但隨後就開始順其自然。當計數器= 1時,currentRow = 1,min = 3,x = 1是當它變成7時。由於某種原因,它不會在該行或列中進行並且在索引3中抓住那個2。這個節目中我正在考慮生活,並可能放棄專業或採取F.這很令人沮喪。 –
無論何時代碼獲取索引dij [1] [3]或dij [3] [1],它都不會採用2而不是4獲得7之前的值。 –