給定一個二叉樹,我想找出它最大的子樹,它是一個 BST。最大的子樹哪個是二叉搜索樹(BST)

這個問題是Finding the largest subtree in a BST的副本,其中1337c0d3r通過遍歷樹底向上給出了一個O(n)解。有兩行代碼混淆了我。任何人都可以幫我解釋一下嗎?

// Find the largest BST subtree in a binary tree. 
// If the subtree is a BST, return total number of nodes. 
// If the subtree is not a BST, -1 is returned. 
int findLargestBSTSubtree(BinaryTree *p, int &min, int &max, 
        int &maxNodes, BinaryTree *& largestBST) { 
    if (!p) return 0; 
    bool isBST = true; 
    int leftNodes = findLargestBSTSubtree(p->left, min, max, maxNodes, largestBST); 
    int currMin = (leftNodes == 0) ? p->data : min; 
    if (leftNodes == -1 || 
    (leftNodes != 0 && p->data <= max)) 
    isBST = false; 
    int rightNodes = findLargestBSTSubtree(p->right, min, max, maxNodes, largestBST); 
    int currMax = (rightNodes == 0) ? p->data : max; 
    if (rightNodes == -1 || 
    (rightNodes != 0 && p->data >= min)) 
    isBST = false; 
    if (isBST) { 
    min = currMin; 
    max = currMax; 
    int totalNodes = leftNodes + rightNodes + 1; 
    if (totalNodes > maxNodes) { 
     maxNodes = totalNodes; 
     largestBST = p; 
    return totalNodes; 
    } else { 
    return -1; // This subtree is not a BST 

BinaryTree* findLargestBSTSubtree(BinaryTree *root) { 
    BinaryTree *largestBST = NULL; 
    int min, max; 
    int maxNodes = INT_MIN; // INT_MIN is defined in <climits> 
    findLargestBSTSubtree(root, min, max, maxNodes, largestBST); 
    return largestBST; 

我對以下兩行代碼感到困惑。根據我的常識,遞歸遍歷左樹之後,應該更新max變量,爲什麼在遞歸遍歷左樹之後放置int currMin = (leftNodes == 0) ? p->data : min;
int currMax = (rightNodes == 0) ? p->data : max;

int currMin = (leftNodes == 0) ? p->data : min; 
int currMax = (rightNodes == 0) ? p->data : max; 

您需要的算法非常接近alpha-beta搜索。 (除了你需要訪問*幾乎*整棵樹,不能修剪) – wildplasser




  1. 左子樹不BST =>當前樹是不是BST
  2. 左子樹是在當前樹BST =>最小值min
  3. 左子樹沒有節點=>在當前樹的最低值是當前節點的值


所以線 int currMin = (leftNodes == 0) ? p->data : min; 測試是否條件2或3是真實的,並且相應地更新的min的值,以使值是用於測試在樹中的當前節點上方的節點正確。