試試這個: -
To create dropdown for Name
1. First copy paste values of NAme from Sheet1 in Sheet2. Say you pasted them in A1 to A3.
2. Under name (say D3 cell in sheet2) column go to D4 cell just below name,then Go the 'Data validation' tab under 'data' tab. Select 'data validation' again, a dialog box will appear.
3. In the dialog box under 'Allow' select 'List' and then in 'Source' make a selection from A1 to A3.
Now Use this formula in sheet2
for city
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D4,Sheet1!$D$15:$F$18,2,0)," ")
for state
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D4,Sheet1!$D$15:$F$18,3,0)," ")
This is assuming in Sheet1 D15 to D18 has values for column Name & D4 is value of Name or Name dropdown in Sheet2
這就是它!謝謝你,謝謝你,謝謝你! – evenmonkeys
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