2016-07-04 59 views

我想寫在3層結構中繼承類的東西。這樣的抽象例子。PHP - 類繼承和與另一個類的組合

couriers_list - >快遞 - > COURIER_NAME

class couriers_list { 
    // I'm searches courier_name of the database and reference to the class of courier_name found in database 

    public function show_courier() { 
     return $this->xxx(); 

class courier extends couriers_list { 
    // Function for the courier 
    // Probably it would interface or abstraction 

class courier_name extends courier { 
    // Methods of accurately courier eg. Calculation associated with the delivery 
    // Here each courier would separate file php eg. ups.php 

    public function xxx() { 
     return 'xxx'; 

$k = new couriers_list(); 
echo $k->xxx(); 




對我來說,這似乎是一個'couriers_list' *包含*'快遞'對象,而'快遞'對象*有一個名字(這可能應該是一個「字符串」!)。你不想爲一個簡單的屬性(如名稱)分別創建類。 – Pete


我編輯了代碼以顯示我的問題。我想從上層的couriers_list之外打電話。從上層類我想執行底層類的操作,我不知道將被稱爲底層類courier_name。 –


我可以使用'$ ks = new courier_name(); return $ ks-> xxx();'在show_courier方法,但我不知道這是一個好主意。 –




interface CourrierInterface 
    const CLASS_NAME = __CLASS__; 

    public function getName(); 
    public function getPrices(); 
    public function XXX(); 
    public function calculateDelivery($from, $to); 

    /** these are just example add here all the method that define a courier */ 


class UpsCourrier implements CourrierInterface 
    private $name; 

    public function getName() 
     return $this->name; 

    public function setName($name) 
     $this->name = $name; 

    public function XXX() 
     // do something 

我的方式不要以爲CourrierList應該知道數據庫,但只需要包含所有的Courrier對象。 在這裏,我使用的項目




class CourrierList 
    * TypedCollection 
    private $courrierList; 

    public function __construct() 
     // i prefer to use a collection class that valid my type instead of an array, your choice! 
     $this->courrierList = new TypedCollection("CourrierInterface"); 

    public function addCourrier(CourrierInterface $courrier) 

    public function removeCourrier(CourrierInterface $courrier) 

    protected function getCourrierByName($courrierName) 
     $closure = function (CourrierInterface $courrier) use ($courrierName) { 
      return $courrier->getName() == $courrierName; 

     return $this->courrierList->filter($closure)->toArray(); 

    // since its a list, you must be able to select your courrier to execute the XXX() method 
    public function XXXByName($name) 
     $courrier = $this->getCourrierByName($name); 


    // if you prefer to apply to all your courrierList just do 
    public function XXX() 
     foreach ($this->courrierList as $courrier) { 


class CourrierListFactory 

    private $dbConnection; 

    public function __construct(DbConnection $connection) 
     $this->dbConnection = $connection; 

    public function createCourrierList() 
     $results = $this->dbConnection->query(".....")->getResults(); 

     $courrierList = new CourrierList(); 

     foreach ($results as $result) { 
      $courrier = null; 
      switch ($result['name']) { 
       case 'ups': 
        $courrier = new UpsCourrier(); 
       case 'fedex': 
        $courrier = new FedexCourrier(); 

       /** and so on ... */ 

        // maybe throw exception if courier is not handle 

      /** prepare your object here */ 

      // add the courrier to the list 

     return $courrierList; 


$dbConnection = new DbConnection(); 

// the factory allows you to separate the database from the List class and may be to generate 
// your list in an other way later (using apis, etc...) 
$factory = new CourrierListFactory($dbConnection); 
$courrierList = $factory->createCourrierList(); 

$courrierList->XXX(); // apply to all 
$courrierList->XXXByName("ups"); // apply just to ups courrier