我在將整數添加到鏈接列表的末尾時遇到了一些麻煩。我對C非常陌生,並且我的程序的一部分工作正常(push功能)。我想返回一個指向結構節點的指針,我不太清楚我的追加函數中出錯的位置。在C seg錯誤中添加鏈接列表
enter code here
#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
struct node{
int val;
struct node *next;
int length(struct node *);
struct node* push(struct node *, int); //adds integer to front of list.
struct node* append(struct node *, int); //adds integer to back of list.
void print(struct node *, int);
#include "./node.h"
int length(struct node *current){
if(current->next != NULL)
return 1 + length(current->next);
return 1;
struct node* push(struct node *head, int num){
struct node *temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->val = num;
temp->next = head;
head = temp;
temp = NULL;
return head;
struct node* append(struct node *current, int num){
if(current != NULL){
append(current->next, num);
struct node* temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->val = num;
temp->next = NULL;
current = temp;
return current;
void print(struct node* head, int size){
printf("The list is %i", size);
printf(" long \n");
struct node* temp;
temp = head;
while(temp != NULL){
printf("%d", temp->val);
printf(" ");
temp = temp->next;
printf(" \n");
#include "./node.h"
int main(){
char ans[2];
int num;
struct node* head = NULL;
printf("Enter a integer for linked list: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
head = append(head, num);
printf("Add another integer to linked list? (y or n) ");
scanf("%1s", ans);
}while(*ans == 'y');
print(head, length(head));
return 0;
或者,跳過遞歸併使用[迭代循環](http://pastebin.com/8Y3byztd)。 – WhozCraig