2016-03-05 86 views


if (isNaN(theMilesDriven) || theMilesDriven <= 0) { 
      theMilesDrivenError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the miles driven."; 
      return false; 

     if (isNaN(theGallonsUsed) || theGallonsUsed <= 0) { 
      theGallonsUsedError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the gallons of gas used."; 
      return false; 

     if (isNaN(thePriceGallon) || thePriceGallon <= 0) { 
      thePriceGallonError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the price per gallon."; 
      return false; 

'return'語句立即退出函數。 – Pointy


刪除'return'語句 –


因此,如果我完全刪除了返回語句並將計算放在else語句中,那麼這看起來像是一個有效的修復嗎?謝謝! – MatthewSpire




var isErrorFound = false; 

    if (isNaN(theMilesDriven) || theMilesDriven <= 0) { 
     theMilesDrivenError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the miles driven."; 
     isErrorFound = true; 

    if (isNaN(theGallonsUsed) || theGallonsUsed <= 0) { 
     theGallonsUsedError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the gallons of gas used."; 
     isErrorFound = true; 

    if (isNaN(thePriceGallon) || thePriceGallon <= 0) { 
     thePriceGallonError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the price per gallon."; 
     isErrorFound = true; 

    if (!isErrorFound) { 
     //Perform the calculations and write the results to the page 
     var milesPerGallon = theMilesDriven/theGallonsUsed; 
     var theMPG = document.getElementById("mpg"); 
     theMPG.firstChild.nodeValue = "Your MPG is: " + milesPerGallon.toFixed(2); 

     var cost = theGallonsUsed * thePriceGallon; 
     var theCost = document.getElementById("cost"); 
     theCost.firstChild.nodeValue = "Your cost for this trip is: $" + cost.toFixed(2); 

謝謝!我想我現在已經明白了。我提出了您的建議更改以及其他一些更改。我感謝您的幫助。 – MatthewSpire


不客氣! – ConnorsFan



//Verify the input is numerical and greater than 0 
     if (isNaN(theMilesDriven) || theMilesDriven <= 0) { 
      theMilesDrivenError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the miles driven."; 

     if (isNaN(theGallonsUsed) || theGallonsUsed <= 0) { 
      theGallonsUsedError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the gallons of gas used."; 

     if (isNaN(thePriceGallon) || thePriceGallon <= 0) { 
      thePriceGallonError.firstChild.nodeValue = "Please enter a number greater than 0 for the price per gallon."; 

     else { 
      //Perform the calculations and write the results to the page 
      var milesPerGallon = theMilesDriven/theGallonsUsed; 
      var theMPG = document.getElementById("mpg"); 
      theMPG.firstChild.nodeValue = "Your MPG is: " + milesPerGallon.toFixed(2); 

      var cost = theGallonsUsed * thePriceGallon; 
      var theCost = document.getElementById("cost"); 
      theCost.firstChild.nodeValue = "Your cost for this trip is: $" + cost.toFixed(2); 

這要歸功於其他人的建議,我們非常感謝。 – MatthewSpire