我無法在用戶輸入的值等於或小於零時正確地嵌套獲取錯誤消息。我不確定它應該去哪裏,或者如果我需要完全做其他事情。任何幫助,將不勝感激。以下是我的代碼。 「一個軟件公司銷售一個零售價爲99美元的軟件包,其數量折扣按照以下方式給出:」10-19 = 20%折扣,20-49 = 30%折扣,50-99 = 40 %折扣,100+ = 50%折扣。 編寫一個程序,要求購買的單位數量並計算購買總成本。 輸入驗證:決定程序應該如何處理的輸入小於0無法正確嵌套我的錯誤消息
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // needed for setprecision
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std; // need to use cout, cin, etc.
int main()
double quantity, package = 99.00, initialPrice, discPrice, discount, calcDiscount, percent; // using double here because future multiplication by .2
cout << "This program will calculate how much of a discount you may receive,\nbased on how many software packages you buy.\n\n";
cout << "How many software packages do you intend to purchase?\n\n";
cin >> quantity;
if (quantity <= 0)
cout << "\nThat is not an acceptable amount. Please re-run the program with a amount greater than zero.\n\n";
if (quantity >= 10 && quantity <= 19)
discount = 0.2, percent = 20;
else if (quantity >= 20 && quantity <= 49)
discount = 0.3, percent = 30;
else if (quantity >= 50 && quantity <= 99)
discount = 0.4, percent = 40;
else if (quantity >= 100)
discount = 0.5, percent = 50;
else if (quantity <10 && quantity >=1)
discount = 0, percent = 0;
initialPrice = package * quantity;
calcDiscount = (discount * package * quantity);
discPrice = initialPrice - calcDiscount;
cout << "\nThe total price for " << quantity << " software packages, minus a " << percent << "% discount of $";
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << calcDiscount << ",";
cout << " is $" << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << discPrice << ".\n\n";
return 0;
當有人輸入數量19.5時,你會發生什麼? –
你有一大堆額外的花括號。例如,你的第一個「if」被無故包裹在其中。你最後的'else if'後面還包含了大量的代碼。如果這一切都打算與最後一個「else if」一起發生,那麼您還必須包含該第一行。否則,擺脫那些花括號。 – Gavin
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