2011-11-04 87 views

每當我嘗試啓動MATLAB時,我會收到以下消息:「找不到指定的模塊」,然後在命令窗口中顯示以下錯誤報告。Matlab 7.0.1錯誤

To get started, select MATLAB Help or Demos from the Help menu. 

     Segmentation violation detected at Thu Nov 03 19:26:52 2011 

    MATLAB Version: (R14) Service Pack 1 
    MATLAB License: 203363 
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP 
    Window System: Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3) 
    Processor ID:  x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel 
    Virtual Machine: Java 1.4.2_04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 
HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
    (mixed mode) 
    Default Charset: ibm-5348_P100-1997 

Register State: 
    EAX = 00000000 EBX = 00000000 
    ECX = 7c8099fd EDX = 05290001 
    ESI = 0120b1c0 EDI = 01413220 
    EBP = 00cda3e4 ESP = 00cda354 
    EIP = 00000000 FLG = 00010212 

Stack Trace: 
numerics.dll:[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected](0x01413620, 
0x01413220, 0x01413660, 0) + 532 bytes 
    [1] numerics.dll:void __cdecl mfGenMatrixMult(struct mxArray_tag 
*,struct mxArray_tag *,struct mxArray_tag *,enum MM_Transpose,enum 
MM_Transpose)(0x01413620, 0x01413220, 0x01413660, 0) + 120 bytes 
    [2] numerics.dll:void __cdecl mfTimesTransposeFcn2DFloatPt(int,struct 
mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0, 0x00cda598, 
6, 0x00cda508) + 913 bytes 
    [3] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_builtin<struct 
mxArray_tag>::dispatch_mf(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00cda598, 3, 0x00cda508) + 55 bytes 
    [4] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_MATLAB_fn::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *)(1, 0x00cda598, 3, 0x00cda508) + 200 bytes 
    [5] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl 
inJitCallMatlabFunctionPtrNoDestroy(class Mfh_MATLAB_fn *,int,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * * const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0x01357ec0, 323, 
1, 0x00cda598) + 132 bytes 
    [6] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl accelExec(struct _accelBytecode *,enum 
inMarshalType *)(0x0120b1b0, 0x00cda774, 0xffffffff, 0) + 17027 bytes 
    [7] m_interpreter.dll:_inExecuteHotSegment(0x00cda7a8, 0x00cda8d4, 
0x00cda884, 0) + 1542 bytes 
    [8] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *)(1, 
3651, 95, 0) + 377 bytes 
    [9] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *)(1, 3651, 35, 
0) + 272 bytes 
    [10] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class 
Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x09faa7f0, 0, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 778 bytes 
    [11] m_interpreter.dll:_inWordsj(0, 0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 443 bytes 
    [12] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * 
*,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 158 bytes 
    [13] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00cdb34c, 2) + 28 
    [14] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 26 bytes 
    [15] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 273 bytes 
    [16] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl mdCallFunction(int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_MATLAB_fn *)(0, 
0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 56 bytes 
    [17] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
ResolverFunctionDesc::CallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * 
const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0, 0x00cdb34c, 2, 0x00cdb3dc) + 
236 bytes 
    [18] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall 
Resolver::CallMFunction(int,int,class _m_operand * const,union 
m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage 
*,int *)(0, 1, 0x01412ce0, 0) + 1041 bytes 
    [19] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl inResolveMFunctionCall(struct 
_m_function_desc *,int,int,class _m_operand * const,union 
m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage 
*,int *,enum inMarshalType *,unsigned int,int,unsigned int const 
*,int)(0x0a3d09b0, 0, 1, 0x01412ce0) + 148 bytes 
    [20] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl accelMFunctionCall(struct _accelOp 
*,struct _accelOp * *,struct _accelBytecode *,int *,enum inMarshalType 
*)(0x09e816e0, 0x00cdb9fc, 0x0120aa40, 0x00cdb9e8) + 108 bytes 
    [21] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl accelExec(struct _accelBytecode 
*,enum inMarshalType *)(0x0120aa40, 0x00cdba74, 0, 12) + 18836 bytes 
    [22] m_interpreter.dll:_inExecuteHotSegment(0x00cdbaa8, 0x00cdbb04, 
0x00cdbaf4, 0x00cdc520) + 1542 bytes 
    [23] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class 
Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x09fb5c40, 0, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 615 bytes 
    [24] m_interpreter.dll:_inWordsj(0, 0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 443 bytes 
    [25] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * 
*,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 158 bytes 
    [26] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00cdc490, 1) + 28 
    [27] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 26 bytes 
    [28] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 273 bytes 
    [29] m_interpreter.dll:void __cdecl mdCallFunction(int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class Mfh_MATLAB_fn *)(0, 
0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 56 bytes 
    [30] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
ResolverFunctionDesc::CallFunction(int,struct mxArray_tag * * 
const,int,struct mxArray_tag * * const)(0, 0x00cdc490, 1, 0x00cdc520) + 
236 bytes 
    [31] m_interpreter.dll:public: bool __thiscall 
Resolver::CallMFunction(int,int,class _m_operand * const,union 
m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage 
*,int *)(0, 1, 0x014121a0, 0) + 1041 bytes 
    [32] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl inResolveMFunctionCall(struct 
_m_function_desc *,int,int,class _m_operand * const,union 
m_operand_storage *,int,class _m_operand * const,union m_operand_storage 
*,int *,enum inMarshalType *,unsigned int,int,unsigned int const 
*,int)(0x0a3d0b40, 0, 1, 0x014121a0) + 148 bytes 
    [33] m_interpreter.dll:bool __cdecl accelMFunctionCall(struct _accelOp 
*,struct _accelOp * *,struct _accelBytecode *,int *,enum inMarshalType 
*)(0x09f76e10, 0x00cdcb40, 0x0120aa20, 0x00cdcb2c) + 108 bytes 
    [34] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl accelExec(struct _accelBytecode 
*,enum inMarshalType *)(0x0120aa20, 0x00cdcbb8, 0xffffffff, 0) + 18836 
    [35] m_interpreter.dll:_inExecuteHotSegment(0x00cdcbec, 0x00cdcd18, 
0x00cdccc8, 0) + 1542 bytes 
    [36] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *)(1, 
421, 50, 0) + 377 bytes 
    [37] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *)(1, 421, 31, 
0) + 272 bytes 
    [38] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class 
Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x09f68c80, 0, 2, 0x00cdd2d0) + 778 bytes 
    [39] m_interpreter.dll:_inWordsj(0, 0x00cdd270, 2, 0x00cdd2d0) + 443 bytes 
    [40] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * 
*,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00cdd270, 2, 0x00cdd2d0) + 158 bytes 
    [41] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00cdd270, 2) + 28 
    [42] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdd270, 2, 0x00cdd2d0) + 26 bytes 
    [43] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdd270, 2, 0x00cdd2d0) + 273 bytes 
    [44] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl mdDispatch(int,char const 
*,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class 
Mfh_MATLAB_fn * *)(462, 0x014c38ec "colordef", 0, 0x00cdd270) + 88 bytes 
    [45] m_interpreter.dll:_inDispatchFromStack(462, 0x014c38ec "colordef", 
0, 2) + 801 bytes 
    [46] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcnFromReference(0, 0x00cdde08, 
0x789b6a50, 0xcccccccd) + 176 bytes 
    [47] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *)(1, 
0, 59, 0) + 4160 bytes 
    [48] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *)(1, 0, 16, 0) 
+ 272 bytes 
    [49] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class 
Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x09f0fad0, 1, 0, 0x7893a5a0) + 778 bytes 
    [50] m_interpreter.dll:_inExecCompScript(0, 0x00cdd9e4, 0x09f0fad0, 
0xffffffff) + 327 bytes 
    [51] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * 
*,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00cdd9e4, 0, 0x00cdda44) + 122 bytes 
    [52] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00cdd9e4, 0) + 28 
    [53] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdd9e4, 0, 0x00cdda44) + 26 bytes 
    [54] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cdd9e4, 0, 0x00cdda44) + 273 bytes 
    [55] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl mdDispatch(int,char const 
*,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class 
Mfh_MATLAB_fn * *)(461, 0, 0, 0x00cdd9e4) + 88 bytes 
    [56] m_interpreter.dll:_inDispatchFromStack(461, 0, 0, 0) + 801 bytes 
    [57] m_interpreter.dll:_inCallFcnFromReference(0, 0x09ea1f80, 
0x789b6a50, 0xcccccccd) + 176 bytes 
    [58] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *)(1, 
0, 86, 0) + 4160 bytes 
    [59] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *)(1, 0, 18, 0) 
+ 272 bytes 
    [60] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(class 
Mfh_mp *,bool)(0x015658e0, 1, 0, 0x7893a5a0) + 778 bytes 
    [61] m_interpreter.dll:_inExecCompScript(0, 0x00cde158, 0x015658e0, 
0xffffffff) + 327 bytes 
    [62] m_interpreter.dll:public: void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::inRunMP(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * 
*,struct inWorkSpace_tag *)(0, 0x00cde158, 0, 0x00cde1b8 "ØáÍ") + 122 
    [63] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(struct _mdUnknown_workspace *,int,struct 
mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0, 0, 0x00cde158, 0) + 28 
    [64] m_interpreter.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cde158, 0, 0x00cde1b8 "ØáÍ") + 26 bytes 
    [65] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall 
Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag 
* *)(0, 0x00cde158, 0, 0x00cde1b8 "ØáÍ") + 273 bytes 
    [66] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl mdDispatch(int,char const 
*,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *,class 
Mfh_MATLAB_fn * *)(452, 0x012f3424 "matlabrc", 0, 0x00cde158) + 88 bytes 
    [67] m_interpreter.dll:_inDispatchFromStack(452, 0x012f3424 "matlabrc", 
0, 0) + 801 bytes 
    [68] m_interpreter.dll:enum opcodes __cdecl inDispatchCall(char const 
*,int,int,int,int *,int *)(0x012f3424 "matlabrc", 452, 0, 0) + 138 bytes 
    [69] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterp(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag volatile *)(0, 
0, 0, 0) + 2359 bytes 
    [70] m_interpreter.dll:int __cdecl inInterPcodeSJ(enum 
inDebugCheck,int,int,enum opcodes,struct inPcodeNest_tag *)(0, 0, 0, 0) 
+ 272 bytes 
    [71] m_interpreter.dll:_inInterPcode(0, 0x78773d54, 0, 0) + 69 bytes 
    [72] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl 
in_local_call_eval_function(int *,struct _pcodeheader *,int *,struct 
mxArray_tag * * const,enum inDebugCheck)(0x00cded74, 0x00cdee60, 0, 
0x78fdea78 "C:\Documents and Settings\BORCA\..") + 162 bytes 
    [73] m_interpreter.dll:$L73181(0x78773d54, 0x79c91170 "matlabrc", 0, 0) 
+ 196 bytes 
    [74] m_interpreter.dll:enum inExecutionStatus __cdecl 
inEvalCmdWithLocalReturnandtype(char const *,int *,enum 
inDebugCheck)(0x79c91170 "matlabrc", 0, 0, 1) + 69 bytes 
    [75] m_interpreter.dll:_inEvalCmd(0x79c91170 "matlabrc", 0x09e6ec50, 0, 
0x014c76d0) + 17 bytes 
    [76] bridge.dll:_mnRunLoginScript(0x014c7ef8, 0x7931276e, 0, 0x014c7f30 
" [email protected]") + 401 bytes 
    [77] bridge.dll:int __cdecl 
mnRunPathDependentInitialization(void)(0x014c7ef8, 0, 0x014c7f30 " [email protected]", 
0x00cdf4fb) + 17 bytes 
    [78] mcr.dll:public: __thiscall mcrInstance::mcrInstance(class 
mcrOptions &,class MfileReader *)(0x00cdff04, 0x004c7f30, 336780, 
0x4d5c3a43) + 373 bytes 
    [79] MATLAB.exe:0x00401c86(4194304, 0, 336780, 0x014c7ef8) 
    [80] MATLAB.exe:0x00403e45(3473458, 3407922, 0x7ffdb000, 0x8054b6ed) 
    [81] kernel32.dll:0x7c817067(0x00403cc0 "[email protected]", 0, 200, 319) 

Please follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so 
that we have the best chance of correcting it: 

    1. Send this crash report to [email protected] for automated analysis. 
    For your convenience, this information has been recorded in: 

    2. Also, if the problem is reproducible, send the crash report to 
    [email protected] along with: 
     - A specific list of steps that will reproduce the problem 
     - Any M, MEX, MDL or other files required to reproduce the problem 
     - Any error messages displayed to the command window 
    A technical support engineer will contact you with further information. 

Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart 
MATLAB before continuing your work. 

Error in ==> whitebg at 96 
lum = [.298936021 .58704307445 .114020904255]*c'; 

Error in ==> colordef>wdefault at 103 
whitebg(fig,[1 1 1]) 

Error in ==> colordef at 50 

Error in ==> hgrc at 59 
colordef(0,'white') % Set up for white defaults 

Error in ==> matlabrc at 86 




您是否將故障記錄郵件發送至[email protected]? –


我不認爲Stack Overflow是請求支持安裝和執行Mathworks產品的正確位置。他們有很好的客戶支持,你應該使用它。 –




「請按報告這個問題The MathWorks的這些步驟,以便 說(他們)有修正它的最好機會:

  1. 此崩潰報告發送給[email protected]進行自動分析 有關。方便起見,該信息已被記錄在: C:\DOCUME~1\BORCA\LOCALS~1\Temp\matlab_crash_dump.3240

  2. 而且,如果這個問題重複發生,發送崩潰報告,以 支持@ mathworks.com連同:

    • 的步驟,這將重現該問題的特定列表
    • 不限男,MEX,MDL或重現該問題
    • 所有錯誤消息所需的其他文件顯示給命令窗口 技術支持工程師將聯繫您以獲取更多信息。

感謝您的協助。請保存您的工作空間,並繼續你的工作之前重新啓動 MATLAB。」



  • 重新命名matlabrc.m(導致錯誤)
  • 在matlabrc.m包含一個錯誤操作hgrc出來的線#86評論210 ...但我懷疑這會解決你的問題。
  • 嘗試新鮮重新安裝...