2016-04-20 110 views




import java.util.*; 

public class Gpa{ 

     int[] credits = new int[4]; 
     String[] grades = new String[4]; 

     private int numCourses; 
     private int maxCourses; 
     private int sumOfCourses; 
     private int sumCredits; 
     private int sumPoints; 
     int newCredits; 
     int totalSum = 0; 
     int total = 0; 

     public Gpa(int noCourses){ 
     maxCourses = noCourses; 
     numCourses = 0; 


     public void addCourse(int _newCredits, String newGrade){ 
     for (int i=0; i<maxCourses; i++){ 
      newCredits = _newCredits; 
      credits[i] = newCredits; 
     for (int i=0; i<maxCourses; i++){ 
      grades[i] = newGrade; 
      switch (newGrade) { 
       case "A": 
       case "a": 
        newGrade = "4"; 
       case "B": 
       case "b": 
        newGrade = "3"; 
       case "C": 
       case "c": 
        newGrade = "2"; 
       case "D": 
       case "d": 
        newGrade = "1"; 
       case "F": 
       case "f": 
        newGrade = "0"; 
      sumPoints = sumPoints + (newCredits * Integer.parseInt(newGrade)); 


     public double calcGPA(){ 
     for (int i=0; i<maxCourses; i++){ 
      sumCredits = sumCredits + newCredits; 
     double gpa = (double)sumPoints/sumCredits; 
     return gpa; 

} // end class 


import java.util.Scanner; 

public class GpaTestEx2 

    public static void main (String[] args) 
     Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //input object 
     int numCourses; //number of courses - can be changed 
     int credits;  //number of credits for a course 
     String grade;  //grade for course 

     //read in number of courses 
     System.out.print("Enter number of courses: "); 
     numCourses = in.nextInt(); 

     //create Gpa object to hold specified number of courses 
     Gpa myGPA = new Gpa(numCourses); 

     //read in all courses and add course information to Gpa object 
     for (int k=0; k<numCourses; k++) 
      System.out.print("Enter credits for course " + (k+1) + ": "); 
      credits = in.nextInt(); 
      System.out.print("Enter grade for course " + (k+1) + ": "); 
      grade = in.next(); 

      myGPA.addCourse(credits, grade); 

     //print results 
     System.out.printf("GPA is %4.2f%n", myGPA.calcGPA()); 

    } //end main 

當我進入課程學分和檔次不正確地計算GPA 。例如,如果用戶輸入說有2門課程,其中一門課程有4學分,A分等級,另一門課程有3學分,等級爲B,我應得3.57分時獲得約4.17分的GPA。



爲什麼在'addCourse'中你將數組的每個元素都設置爲新輸入的等級?也許我在邏輯中錯過了一些東西,但是好像你只想設置數組中的最新條目。並使用一個局部變量作爲一個整數,而不是設置爲一個字符串,然後解析該值。 – KevinO



似乎你每次插入某個值時都會索引數組中的每個元素。我們只需要在添加新等級時更改一個元素。 GPA類:

public class Gpa { 

    private int[] credits; 
    private String[] grades; 
    private int currentGrade; 

    public Gpa(int numGrades) { 
     credits = new int[numGrades]; 
     grades = new String[numGrades]; 
     currentGrade = 0; 

    public void addGrade(String letterGrade, int credit) { 
     grades[currentGrade] = letterGrade; 
     credits[currentGrade] = credit; 
     currentGrade = currentGrade + 1; 

    public double getGpa() { 
     double totalPoints = 0; 
     double totalWeight = 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < currentGrade; i++) { 
      totalPoints = totalPoints + (letterToGpa(grades[i]) * credits[i]); 
      totalWeight = totalWeight + credits[i]; 

     return totalPoints/totalWeight; 

    private double letterToGpa(String letter) { 
     char first = letter.toUpperCase().charAt(0); 
     switch (first) { 
      case 'A': 
       return 4.0; 
      case 'B': 
       return 3.0; 
      case 'C': 
       return 2.0; 
      case 'D': 
       return 1.0; 
     return 0.0; 


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //input object 
    int numCourses; //number of courses - can be changed 
    int credits;  //number of credits for a course 
    String grade;  //grade for course 

    //read in number of courses 
    System.out.print("Enter number of courses: "); 
    numCourses = in.nextInt(); 

    //create Gpa object to hold specified number of courses 
    Gpa t = new Gpa(numCourses); 

    //read in all courses and add course information to Gpa object 
    for (int k=0; k<numCourses; k++) 
     System.out.print("Enter credits for course " + (k+1) + ": "); 
     credits = in.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter grade for course " + (k+1) + ": "); 
     grade = in.next(); 

     t.addGrade(grade, credits); 

    //print results 
    System.out.printf("GPA is %4.2f%n", t.getGpa()); 



不幸的是,我應該把它保持在GPA班和測試人員 – BrianAndris


@BrianAndris這很好 - 你可以很容易地將它們結合起來。我應該編輯我的答案以表明這一點嗎? – nhouser9


如果你不介意的話,在此期間,不妨看看它是什麼,並嘗試看看我能做些什麼。 – BrianAndris