2017-08-06 118 views


def gpacalculator(grade,credit): 
    gradescore = 0 
    gradescore = int(gradescore) 
    if grade in ("A","Z"): 
     gradescore = 4*credit 
    elif grade == "B+": 
     gradescore = 3.5*credit 
    elif grade == "B": 
     gradescore = 3*credit 
    elif grade == "C+": 
     gradescore = 2.5*credit 
    elif grade == "C": 
     gradescore = 2*credit 
    elif grade == "D+": 
     gradescore = 1.5*credit 
    elif grade == "D": 
     gradescore = 1*credit 
    elif grade == "F": 
     gradescore = 0*credit 

    return gradescore 

subject = input("How many subjects would you like to calculate?") 
subject = int(subject) 
print("The different levels of grades are: Z, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F") 
a = 0 
a = int(a) 
for a in range(0,subject): 
    grade = str(input("What's your grade for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 
    credit = int(input("What's the number of credits for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 

totalcredit = 0 
totalcredit - int(totalcredit) 

totalgradescore = 0 
totalgradescore = int(totalgradescore) 
totalgradescore += gpacalculator(grade,credit) 

gpa = totalgradescore/totalcredit 
print("Your GPA is: ",gpa) 

有一個錯字'totalcredit - INT(totalcredit)',應該是'totalcredit = INT(totalcredit)'。之後,這是正常工作。 – Ofisora


修復代碼工作的縮進。然後想一想,當你總是將變量置零,然後添加一些東西時會發生什麼。 –



第一個錯誤是totalcredit - int(totalcredit)我得到完全擺脫它,因爲沒有必要使totalcreditint,如果你把它聲明等於0同爲變量totalgradescorea。您遇到的下一個問題是grade.upper,您需要設置grade = grade.upper()。最後,您需要縮進credittotalcredit的加法,並將您的返回值縮小爲totalgradescore,因爲您希望它們在循環中,因爲您要爲每個課程更改它們,並將它們的聲明移至for循環之前,因爲您不需要希望他們在每次迭代時重置。


def gpacalculator(grade,credit): 
    gradescore = 0 
    gradescore = int(gradescore) 
    if grade in ("A","Z"): 
     gradescore = 4*credit 
    elif grade == "B+": 
     gradescore = 3.5*credit 
    elif grade == "B": 
     gradescore = 3*credit 
    elif grade == "C+": 
     gradescore = 2.5*credit 
    elif grade == "C": 
     gradescore = 2*credit 
    elif grade == "D+": 
     gradescore = 1.5*credit 
    elif grade == "D": 
     gradescore = 1*credit 
    elif grade == "F": 
     gradescore = 0*credit 
    return gradescore 

subject = input("How many subjects would you like to calculate?") 
subject = int(subject) 
print("The different levels of grades are: Z, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F") 
totalgradescore = 0 
totalcredit = 0 

for a in range(subject): 
    grade = str(input("What's your grade for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 
    grade = grade.upper() 
    credit = int(input("What's the number of credits for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 
    totalcredit += credit 
    totalgradescore += gpacalculator(grade,credit) 

gpa = totalgradescore/totalcredit 
print("Your GPA is: ", gpa) 





for a in range(0,subject): 
    grade = str(input("What's your grade for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 
    grade = grade.upper() 
    credit = int(input("What's the number of credits for subject number " + str(a+1) + "?")) 



謝謝!我的代碼現在可用。我想我過了一段時間沒有進行簡單的編程就生鏽了...... – NewProgrammer


Ofisora也是對的,那行代碼有一個錯字,它沒有對你的程序做任何無害的事情,因爲它是一個不必要的行。 –