2015-06-10 37 views


class Ped a where 
    prize' :: Fractional b => a -> b 

instance (Integral n, Fractional p) => Ped (Order n p) where 
    prize' x = prizeOrder x 

data (Integral c,Fractional p) => Product c p 
    = Prod c String p 
    deriving (Show, Read) 

data (Integral n, Fractional p) => Order n p 
    = PdMult (Product n p) n 
    | PdUnit (Product n p) 
    deriving (Show, Eq) 

prize :: (Fractional p, Integral c) =>(Product c p) -> p 
prize (Prod _ _ x) = x 

prizeOrder :: (Fractional p, Integral c) => (Order c p) -> p 
prizeOrder (PdMult p n) = (prize p) * (fromIntegral n) 
prizeOrder (PdUnit p) = prize p 


Could not deduce (p ~ b) 
from the context (Integral n, Fractional p) 
bound by the instance declaration 
at src\Funciones.hs:6:10-55 
or from (Fractional b) 
bound by the type signature for 
    prize' :: Fractional b => Order n p -> b 
at src\Funciones.hs:7:5-11 
`p' is a rigid type variable bound by 
    the instance declaration 
    at src\Funciones.hs:6:10 
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by 
    the type signature for prize' :: Fractional b => Order n p -> b 
    at src\Funciones.hs:7:5 
Expected type: Order b 
    Actual type: Order n p 
Relevant bindings include 
    x :: Order n p 
    (bound at src\Funciones.hs:7:13) 
    prize' :: Order n p -> b 
    (bound at src\Funciones.hs:7:5) 
In the first argument of `prizeOrder', namely `x' 
In the expression: prizeOrder x 

首先,不要將類限制放在數據類型上。如果您需要GADT的功能,但看起來這不是您需要的解決方案。 – bheklilr


問題是你的班級說:我可以把它轉換成你想要的任何'分數',而數據明確地根據你所做的決定來限制它。 –


我已經完成了一個使用它們的大程序,它能正常工作,但它第一次在程序中創建一個類:) – KannaKiski




class Ped a where 
    prize' :: Fractional b => a -> b 

這意味着程序員可以選擇他/她想要什麼Fraction bb


instance (Integral n, Fractional p) => Ped (Order n p) where 
    prize' x = prizeOrder x 


prizeOrder :: (Fractional p, Integral c) => (Order c p) -> p 

這意味着你不能選擇b可言。如果我使用prize',並且預期返回類型爲Float,那麼Ped將會接受此結果,但不會由數據結構Order Double Int接受。


class Ped a b where 
    prize' :: a -> b 


instance (Integral n, Fractional p) => Ped (Order n p) p where 
    prize' x = prizeOrder x 


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-} 

class Ped a b where 
    prize' :: a -> b 

instance (Integral n, Fractional p) => Ped (Order n p) p where 
    prize' x = prizeOrder x 

data (Integral c,Fractional p) => Product c p 
    = Prod c String p 
    deriving (Show, Read) 

data (Integral n, Fractional p) => Order n p 
    = PdMult (Product n p) n 
    | PdUnit (Product n p) 
    deriving (Show) 

prize :: (Fractional p, Integral c) =>(Product c p) -> p 
prize (Prod _ _ x) = x 

prizeOrder :: (Fractional p, Integral c) => (Order c p) -> p 
prizeOrder (PdMult p n) = (prize p) * (fromIntegral n) 
prizeOrder (PdUnit p) = prize p 



非常感謝,我以前試過,但我不知道如何激活這些功能y複製您的代碼和前奏告訴我: 'Ped'類參數太多 (使用MultiParamTypeClasses來允許多參數類) 在'Ped'的類聲明中 – KannaKiski


@KannaKiski:使用'{ - #'和'# - }'之間的指令。這些不是評論。 –


我已經做到了,但它也是一樣的東西......它可能是Eclipse嗎? – KannaKiski