static void Main(string[] args)
String username;
String password;
int row;
string[,] accnts = { { "jack", "111", "1" }, { "ibo", "121", "2" } };
Console.Write("enter username >> ");
username = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("enter password >> ");
password = Console.ReadLine();
for (row = 0; row < 3; row++)
if (username.Equals(accnts[row, 0]) && password.Equals(accnts[row, 1]))
Console.WriteLine("welcome " + accnts[row, 0]);
else if (username.Equals(accnts[row, 0]) && password.Equals(accnts[row, 1]))
Console.WriteLine("welcome " + accnts[row + 1, 0]);
Console.WriteLine("invalid access");
// changed break to continue, because it was crashing
string[,] question_id = { { "1", "1" }, { "1", "2" }, { "2", "3" }, { "2", "4" } };
string[,] questions = { { "Türkiyenin baskenti neresidir?", "1" }, { "Baskomutan kim?", "2" }, { "2 kere 2?", "3" }, { "when did the world war 1 start?", "4" } };
string[,] Answers = { { "a)ankara b)istanbul c)izmir", "1" }, { "a)ismet b)Atatürk c)Ali ", "2" }, { " a)1 b)2 c)4 ", "3" }, { " a)1912 b)1914 c)1915", "4" } };
string[,] trueAnswers = { { "a", "1" }, { "b", "2" }, { "c", "3" }, { "c", "4" } };
int result = 0;
string answers = "";
// here I've added a start and end thingy to offset the loop acording to logged user.
int start = 0;
int endModifier = 2;
if (username == accnts[1,0])
start = 2;
endModifier = 0;
for (int i = start; i < questions.GetLength(0) - endModifier; i++)
Console.WriteLine(questions[i, 0]);
for (int y = 0; y < Answers.GetLength(0); y++)
if (Answers[y, 1] == questions[i, 1])
Console.WriteLine(Answers[y, 0]);
answers = Console.ReadLine();
for (int z = 0; z < trueAnswers.GetLength(0); z++)
if (trueAnswers[z, 1] == questions[i, 1])
if (trueAnswers[z, 0] == answers)
result = result + 10;
Console.WriteLine("total is " + result);
if (result < 20)
當然你想最好的辦法做到這一點,我將使用OOP(反對面向對象編程) 首先,我將創建一些輔助類保持數據: 帳戶一個內部類...
class Account
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public int Group { get; set; }
class Question
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
public List<Answer> AnswersList { get; set; }
而且finnaly甲A nswer問題,以幫助我們有點邏輯:
class Answer
public string AnswerText { get; set; }
public bool IsCorrect { get; set; }
public string AcceptableLetter { get; set; }
List<Account> accountsList = new List<Account>();
accountsList.Add(new Account { UserName = "jack", Password = "111", Order = 1 });
accountsList.Add(new Account { UserName = "ibo", Password = "121", Order = 2 });
private static bool CheckUserPassword(List<Account> accountsList, string username, string password)
foreach (Account account in accountsList)
if (account.UserName == username)
if (account.Password == password)
Console.WriteLine("welcome " + account.UserName);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("invalid access");
return false;
return false;
private static List<Question> FillQuestions()
List<Question> questionList = new List<Question>();
List<Answer> answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Ankara", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Istambul", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Izmir", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "Türkiyenin baskenti neresidir?", AnswersList = answerList });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "ismet", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Atatürk", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Ali", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "Baskomutan kim?", AnswersList = answerList });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "2", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "4", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "2 kere 2?", AnswersList = answerList });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1912", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1914", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1915", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "When did the world war 1 start?", AnswersList = answerList });
return questionList;
class Question
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
public List<Answer> AnswersList { get; set; }
// added property
public int DesiredGroup { get; set; }
和分配哪些問題是什麼組FillQuestions()方法: // code ... questionList.Add(新問題{QuestionText =「什麼時候第一次世界大戰開始?」,AnswersList = answerList,DesiredGroup = 2}); //代碼...
if (questions[i].DesiredGroup == accountsList.Find(x => x.UserName == username).Group)
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Account> accountsList = new List<Account>();
accountsList.Add(new Account { UserName = "jack", Password = "111", Group = 1 });
accountsList.Add(new Account { UserName = "ibo", Password = "121", Group = 2 });
Console.Write("enter username >> ");
string username = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("enter password >> ");
string password = Console.ReadLine();
if (CheckUserPassword(accountsList, username, password))
List<Question> questions = FillQuestions();
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < questions.Count; i++)
if (questions[i].DesiredGroup == accountsList.Find(x => x.UserName == username).Group)
string answers = Console.ReadLine();
for (int j = 0; j < questions[i].AnswersList.Count; j++)
if (questions[i].AnswersList[j].AcceptableLetter == answers)
if (questions[i].AnswersList[j].IsCorrect)
Console.WriteLine(questions[i].AnswersList[j].AcceptableLetter + " is correct");
result += 10;
Console.WriteLine(questions[i].AnswersList[j].AcceptableLetter + " is incorrect");
if (result < 15)
private static void WriteAnswers(List<Answer> answersList)
char[] alphabetLetters = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
for (int i = 0; i < answersList.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(alphabetLetters[i] + ") " + answersList[i].AnswerText);
private static List<Question> FillQuestions()
List<Question> questionList = new List<Question>();
List<Answer> answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Ankara", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Istambul", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Izmir", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "Türkiyenin baskenti neresidir?", AnswersList = answerList, DesiredGroup = 1 });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "ismet", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Atatürk", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "Ali", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "Baskomutan kim?", AnswersList = answerList, DesiredGroup = 1 });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "2", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "4", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "2 kere 2?", AnswersList = answerList, DesiredGroup = 2 });
answerList = new List<Answer>();
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1912", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "a" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1914", IsCorrect = true, AcceptableLetter = "b" });
answerList.Add(new Answer { AnswerText = "1915", IsCorrect = false, AcceptableLetter = "c" });
questionList.Add(new Question { QuestionText = "When did the world war 1 start?", AnswersList = answerList, DesiredGroup = 2 });
return questionList;
private static bool CheckUserPassword(List<Account> accountsList, string username, string password)
foreach (Account account in accountsList)
if (account.UserName == username)
if (account.Password == password)
Console.WriteLine("welcome " + account.UserName);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("invalid access");
return false;
return false;
class Account
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public int Group { get; set; }
class Question
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
public List<Answer> AnswersList { get; set; }
public int DesiredGroup { get; set; }
class Answer
public string AnswerText { get; set; }
public bool IsCorrect { get; set; }
public string AcceptableLetter { get; set; }
總是有更好的方法,但這足以讓現在:) 快樂編碼
如果你有*幾個*用戶,我建議把它們以及qustions和答案到*數據庫* –
是的,你是對的,但因爲我正在探索2d陣列,我只定義了2個不同的用戶,並旨在使用數組來做 – vinjakci
你有沒有嘗試過任何東西?你的問題太廣泛了。顯而易見的答案是「找出你正在處理的用戶,然後只詢問你想問他們的問題」。但有很多不同的方法可以做到這一點。如果你的代碼顯示了這樣做是不行的,你需要準確解釋你遇到的問題。代碼是做什麼的,你想要什麼,以及具體哪些_specifically_你無法工作?如果你的代碼是「之前」的版本,並沒有試圖解決問題,那麼你還沒有準備好提出一個問題。 –