2017-04-21 75 views

是可以運行一些命令,並採取以下git的日誌消息格式化的git log命令

commit 55dbd23f3802527cef5f9d3d5ea4dd3c69c72c5a 
Author: Example User 
Date: Thu Apr 20 15:40:15 2017 -0500 

    Here is the short commit message line. 

    Here is the long commit message. 
    This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks. 

    Some more information about this commit. 


Here is the short commit message line. 
    Here is the long commit message. 
    This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks. 
    Some more information about this commit. 


Here is the short commit message line. 
    Here is the long commit message. 
    This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks. 
    Some more information about this commit. 
A different commit was made here. This only uses short message. 




git log --pretty="format:%s%w(0,8,8)%+b" 


git log --pretty="format:%s%w(0,8,8)%+b" | grep -v '^ *$' 


git log --pretty="format:%s%w(0,1,1)%+b" | grep -v '^ *$' | sed 's/^ /\t/' 

這與我一直在努力'git的日誌--all --AFTER = 「$ DATE 00:00」 --before礦合併=「$ DATE 23:59」--author =「FatGuyLaughing」--format =%B | sed'/^$/d''應該可以做到這一點。謝謝! – FatGuyLaughing


有沒有辦法讓長信息以製表符而不是八個空格開始? – FatGuyLaughing


更具體地說,是否有一種方法可以執行該命令並讓stdout瞭解製表符? – FatGuyLaughing