--define temporary table
declare @tmp table (
ManagerID int null,
ManagerName varchar(250),
ProductID int null,
ProductName varchar(250),
RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID int null,
Value decimal(8,4) null,
Name varchar(250),
Sector varchar(250)
--populate temp table
insert into @tmp
m.ManagerID, m.ManagerName, p.ID as 'ProductID', p.ProductName, sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID, sa.Value, sc.Name,
case when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 39 then 'Core'
when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 38 then 'Intermediate'
end as 'Sector'
from Products p
join Managers m on m.ManagerID = p.ManagerID
left join RFIFixedIncomeAttribution fia on fia.ParentID = p.ID and fia.ParentTypeID = 26
left join RFIFixedIncomeSectorAllocation sa on sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID = fia.ID
and sa.RFIFixedIncomeDataTypeID = 1
join RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategories sc on sc.ID = sa.RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategoryID
join SubType1 s1 on s1.SubType1ID = p.SubType1ID
join SubType2 s2 on s2.SubType2ID = p.SubType2ID
join GeographicMandates gm on gm.GeographicMandateID = p.GeographicMandateID
where p.prodclasscategoryid = 4
and fia.year = 2014
and fia.quarter = 6/3
and p.Rank = 1
order by m.ManagerName, p.ProductName
--get filtered dataset
select * from @tmp
Sector in ('Core')
--define temporary table
declare @tmp2 table (
ManagerID int null,
ManagerName varchar(250),
ProductID int null,
ProductName varchar(250),
RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID int null,
Value decimal(8,4) null,
Name varchar(250),
Sector varchar(250)
--populate temp table
insert into @tmp2
m.ManagerID, m.ManagerName, p.ID as 'ProductID', p.ProductName, sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID, sa.Value, sc.Name,
case when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 39 then 'Core'
when gm.GeographicMandateID = 2 and s1.SubType1ID = 10 and s2.SubType2ID = 38 then 'Intermediate'
end as 'Sector'
from Products p
join Managers m on m.ManagerID = p.ManagerID
join Vehicles v on v.ProductID = p.ID
join ManagerAccounts ma on ma.VehicleID = v.ID
join Accounts a on a.MgrAccountID = ma.MgrAccountID
left join RFIFixedIncomeAttribution fia on fia.ParentID = a.AccountID and fia.ParentTypeID = 6
left join RFIFixedIncomeSectorAllocation sa on sa.RFIFixedIncomeAttributionID = fia.ID
and sa.RFIFixedIncomeDataTypeID = 1
join RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategories sc on sc.ID = sa.RFIFixedIncomeSectorCategoryID
join SubType1 s1 on s1.SubType1ID = p.SubType1ID
join SubType2 s2 on s2.SubType2ID = p.SubType2ID
join GeographicMandates gm on gm.GeographicMandateID = p.GeographicMandateID
where p.prodclasscategoryid = 4
and fia.year = 2014
and fia.quarter = 6/3
and p.Rank = 1
order by m.ManagerName, p.ProductName
--get filtered dataset
select * from @tmp2
Sector in ('Core')
OK。什麼阻止你? – 2014-09-29 22:16:31
這些是表變量而不是臨時表,表格表以'#'或'##'開始,這些是表變量,因爲它們被命名爲'@ tablename' – 2014-09-29 22:16:44
沒有解析牆O代碼,是否有任何反對'工會全部'?另外,請選擇一個平臺。 Mysql和Sql Server是2個不同的DMBS的 – paqogomez 2014-09-29 22:19:31