2013-01-09 24 views



(基於jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype的例子)認準// *************** 部附近的底部..

var myData = [ 
// main grid data 
    { id: "1", col1: "11", col2: "12", 
     subgrid: [ 
       // data for subgrid for the id=m1 
        { id: "1", c1: "aa", c2: "ab", c3: "ac", 
         subgrid: [ 
          // data for subgrid for the id=m1, subgridId=s1a 
          { id: "1", d1: "2aa", d2: "2ab", d3: "2ac" }, 
          { id: "2", d1: "2ba", d2: "2bb", d3: "2bc" }, 
          { id: "3", d1: "2ca", d2: "2cb", d3: "2cc" } 
       { id: "2", c1: "ba", c2: "bb", c3: "bc" }, 
       { id: "3", c1: "ca", c2: "cb", c3: "cc" } 
    { id: "2", col1: "21", col2: "22", 
     subgrid: [ 
      // data for subgrid for the id=m2 
      { id: "1", c1: "1xx", c2: "1xy", c3: "1xz", 
       subgrid: [ 
        // data for subgrid for the id=m2, subgridId=s2a 
        { id: "1", d1: "2xx", d2: "2xy", d3: "2xz" } 
    { id: "3", col1: "31", col2: "32" } 
removeSubgridIcon = function() { 
    var $this = $(this), 
     idPrefix = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix"); 
    $this.find(">tbody>tr.jqgrow>td.ui-sgcollapsed").filter(function() { 
     var rowData = $this.jqGrid("getLocalRow", 
       $.jgrid.stripPref(idPrefix, $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"))); 
     return rowData.subgrid == null; 
isHasSubrids = function (data) { 
    var l = data.length, i; 
    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { 
     if (data[i].subgrid != null) { 
      return true; 
    return false; 
specificGridOptions = [ 
     colNames: ["Column 1", "Column 2"], 
     colModel: [ 
      { name: "col1" }, 
      { name: "col2" } 
     cmTemplate: { width: 200 }, 
     sortname: "col1", 
     sortorder: "desc", 
     idPrefix: "s_", 
     pager: "#pager", 
     caption: "Demonstrate how to create subgrid from local hierarchical data" 
     colNames: ["Colunm1", "Colunm2", "Colunm3"], 
     colModel: [ 
      { name: "c1" }, 
      { name: "c2" }, 
      { name: "c3" } 
     cmTemplate: { width: 112 }, 
     sortname: "c1", 
     sortorder: "desc" 
     colNames: ["Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3"], 
     colModel: [ 
      { name: "d1" }, 
      { name: "d2" }, 
      { name: "d3" } 
     cmTemplate: { width: 90 }, 
     sortname: "d1", 
     sortorder: "desc" 
commonGridOptions = { 
    datatype: "local", 
    gridview: true, 
    rownumbers: true, 
    autoencode: true, 
    height: "100%", 
    onSelectRow : function() 
    //also tried many variation on this 
    ondblClickRow: function(rowid) 
    loadComplete: function() { 
     // one can use loadComplete: removeSubgridIcon, but I included 
     // curent implementation of loadComplete only to show how to call 
     // removeSubgridIcon from your loadComplete callback handler 
subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridDivId, rowId) { 
    var $subgrid = $("<table id='" + subgridDivId + "_t'></table>"), 
     subgridLevel = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "subgridLevel") + 1, 
     parentIdPrefix = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix"), 
     pureRowId = $.jgrid.stripPref(parentIdPrefix, rowId), 
     localRowData = $(this).jqGrid("getLocalRow", pureRowId); 
    $subgrid.appendTo("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(subgridDivId)); 
    $subgrid.jqGrid($.extend(true, {}, commonGridOptions, specificGridOptions  [subgridLevel], { 
     data: localRowData.subgrid, 
     subGrid: isHasSubrids(localRowData.subgrid), 
     subgridLevel: subgridLevel, 
     idPrefix: rowId + "_", 
     rowNum: 10000 // we use this to have no pager in the subgrids 

$("#list").jqGrid($.extend(true, {}, commonGridOptions, specificGridOptions[0], { 
    data: myData, 
    subgridLevel: 0, 
    subGrid: isHasSubrids(myData) 



你應該包括更多的代碼顯示的jqGrid是如何定義的。您發佈的代碼不包含您使用的'datatype'選項的值。你使用'loadonce:true'還是不?你如何填寫網格數據?典型的錯誤是網格的id會被錯誤地填充,或者數據根本沒有id信息。此外,你寫了關於填充一些「文本框」。你是什​​麼意思?你使用網格編輯?您使用哪種編輯模式? – Oleg


我已編輯帖子以包含原始帖子中的代碼(我的代碼相似)。我使用本地數據類型,我不使用loadonce:true。我通過調用後端方法來填充網格數據,以便在頁面加載時一次獲取json數據。通過文本框我只是表示HTML輸入元素類型=文本(可能應該已經離開帖子,不重要)。該ID似乎對我生成的數據是正確的。我不使用網格編輯。謝謝你的幫助。 –



您在評論中寫道,您從服務器獲取網格數據。我想在這種情況下使用datatype: "local"並不是最好的選擇。看看the answer在哪裏我描述瞭如何做同樣的事情,但使用datatype: "json"


理解這一點非常重要,jqGrid使用HTML <table>來表示網格體。 每個<tr>元素的<table>在當前實現jqGrid時必須具有id屬性。因此,來自輸入數據的id屬性將用於分配id屬性的<tr>元素的值。如果網頁上有多個網格或者網格帶有子網格,則很容易接收id重複,這在所有版本的HTML或XHTML中都是不允許的。


值必須是在元素的家 子樹的所有ID之間獨特必須至少包含一個字符。該值不能包含任何空格字符 。


爲了解決上述所有問題,jqGrid支持idPrefix選項(這是通過基於我的建議的方式引入的)。如果id屬性的值將從輸入數據構建爲連接idPrefixid。例如在idPrefix: "s_"id值「1」,「2」,在該示例的jqGrid的主電網中使用將分配"s_1""s_2""s_3"作爲主柵格的<tr>元件id屬性的值「3」。所有回調的rowid將爲id屬性("s_1","s_2""s_3")的值。如果您需要原始id您可以使用$.jgrid.stripPref去除前綴。所有由jqGrid發送到服務器的id將被jqGrid本身規範化(將調用$.jgrid.stripPref)。


onSelectRow: function (rowid, stat, e) { 
    myDebugTrace.call(this, "onSelectRow", rowid); 
ondblClickRow: function (rowid, iRow, iCol, e) { 
    myDebugTrace.call(this, "ondblClickRow", rowid); 


var myDebugTrace = function (startingText, rowid) { 
     var $this = $(this), p = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam"), rowData, col1, 
      firstCol = (p.rownumbers ? 1 : 0) + (p.subGrid ? 1 : 0); 

     rowData = $this.jqGrid("getRowData", rowid); 
     col1 = rowData[p.colModel[firstCol].name]; 
     $("<span>" + startingText + " on " + rowid + " (original id=" + 
      $.jgrid.stripPref($(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix"), rowid) + 
      "). Data from the first column: \"" + col1 +"\"</span><br/>").appendTo("body"); 

The corresponding demo屏幕上的下列雙擊碼來自內部子網格的行。

enter image description here


我在使用OnSelectRow時遇到的問題是我的錯,它與我的js的緩存有關。最後,當點擊任何子網格行時,我需要獲取到級別的父列ID。調試功能真的簡化到那裏。謝謝奧列格! –


@JonL:不客氣! – Oleg
