如果我將代碼拆分爲兩個單獨的程序,它的工作原理與我希望的一樣(在創建文件時將separation3部分分開,並在第2部分我嘗試以用戶的身份訪問該文件);但只要將代碼放入單個程序中(請參見下文),我無法使用getline()方法從標準輸入中收集輸入;該程序只是在沒有停止在getline方法位於源代碼中的位置收集用戶輸入的情況下犁到頭。無法使用std :: getline()與ifstream和ofstream一起工作
- 打字
#include <string>
- 打字
- 打字
- 我試圖在過去3小時其他事情,作爲註釋的代碼部分,看看我能否指出問題。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> //file steam for access to objects that work with files
#include <cstdlib>
//using namespace std;
int main()
//****************PART #1 - CREATE A FILE & ADD DATA *************************************************
std::cout << "Part #1 - create file & put data into it.\n" << std::endl;
//create an object called "outFile" of type ofstream (output file stream)
// arg #1 - path and file name
// arg #2 - constant that represents how we want to work with file (output stream in this case)
std::ofstream outFile("/home/creator/Desktop/creation.txt", std::ios::out);
//get user to enter 5 numbers:
int userGrade;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
std::cout << "Enter grade number " << (i+1) << ": ";
std::cin >> userGrade; //collect a grade from the user
outFile << userGrade << std::endl; //write data to file (each number on it's own line)
outFile.close();//close the stream
std::cout << "All is well and good - file is created and data is populated" << std::endl;
//****************PART #2 - READ & MUNIPILATE DATA FROM FILE*****************************************
std::cout << "\nNext, lets read the data from the file we created." << std::endl;
std::cout << "please enter the path to the file: (ex: /home/creator/Desktop/creation.txt)" << std::endl;
std::string fileName; //the path to the file we want to read.
std::getline(std::cin, fileName);//<<< THIS IS MY QUESTION/PROBLEM
std::ifstream inFile(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::in);
std::cout << "File not found!" << std::endl;
double grade = 0;//this holds the data we retrieve from file
double total = 0; //get the sum of all the grades as a total
double average = 0; //get the average of all the grades
int numberOfGrades = 0; //number of grade values in file
//retreive and munipilate the data from the file.
inFile >> grade;
total = total + grade;
std::cout << grade << std::endl;
average = total/numberOfGrades;
std::cout << "The average of the grades in the file is: " << average << std::endl;
return 0;
非常感謝。在收集第二個輸入之前,我添加了'std :: cin.ignore();'。再次感謝! – Mike