1) Get and return the value of the computer’s choice as an integer.
2) Use a menu to get, validate, and return the player’s choices.
The player will enter their menu choice for rock, paper, scissors, or quit.
Validate the choice before returning it.
3) Determine the winner. There are a total of 9 possible combinations of
computer and player choices. The menu should always be displayed after the outcome has
been displayed regardless of the outcome
(i.e. ties should be treated the same as any other outcome).
4) After the player chooses to stop playing, display the total number of
games that ended in a tie, the total number the computer won, and the total
number the player won.
import random
def main():
print('There were', number_of_tied_games, 'tie games played.')
print('The computer won', number_of_computer_games, 'game(s).')
print('You won', number_of_player_games, 'game(s).')
def process_computer_choice():
choice1 = random.randint(1,3)
return choice1
def process_player_choice():
print('What is your choice?')
choice2 = (input())
while choice2 != "1" and choice2 != "2" and choice2 != "3" and choice2 != "4":
print("ERROR: the choice can only be 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
choice2 = (input("Please enter a correct choice: "))
return choice2
def determine_winner(player_choice, computer_choice, choice2):
while choice2 != "4":
if computer_choice == 1:
if player_choice == "2":
print('Paper covers rock. You win!')
winner = 'player'
elif player_choice == "3":
print("Rock crushes scissors. The computer wins!")
winner = 'computer'
print('The game is tied. Try again.')
winner = 'tied'
if computer_choice == 2:
if player_choice == "1":
print('Paper covers rock. The computer wins!')
winner = 'computer'
elif player_choice == "3":
print("Scissors cuts paper. You win!")
winner = 'player'
print('The game is tied. Try again.')
winner = 'tied'
if computer_choice == 3:
if player_choice == "1":
print('Rock smashes scissors. You win!')
winner = 'player'
elif player_choice == "2":
print("Scissors cuts paper. The computer wins!")
winner = 'computer'
print('The game is tied. Try again.')
winner = 'tied'
return winner
def display_menu():
choice2 = 0
number_of_tied_games = 0
number_of_player_games = 0
number_of_computer_games = 0
print(' MENU')
print('1) Rock')
print('2) Paper')
print('3) Scissors')
print('4) Quit')
print("Let's play the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.")
computer_choice = process_computer_choice()
player_choice = process_player_choice()
while choice2 != "4":
if computer_choice == 1:
print('The computer chooses rock.')
elif computer_choice == 2:
print('The computer chooses paper.')
print('The computer chooses scissors.')
#display player choice
if player_choice == "1":
print('You choose rock.')
elif player_choice == "2":
print('You choose paper.')
print('You choose scissors.')
result = determine_winner(player_choice, computer_choice, choice2)
if result == 'computer':
number_of_computer_games += 1
elif result == 'player':
number_of_player_games += 1
number_of_tied_games += 1
非常感謝你。保存我的屁股。我沒有完全像你這樣做,但這幫助我瞭解到底發生了什麼以及我出錯的地方。程序功能現在完美。再次感謝。 – Alex
該代碼純粹是爲了演示我已經注意到的完整「更正」,而不是完全被複制/粘貼。 –
我沒有複製/粘貼它.....我只是不斷創建無限循環,看到你是如何做到這一點,使我重新思考我的方法。 – Alex