2014-06-21 132 views

從Ubuntu Server 12.04升級到Ubuntu 14.04 LTS後,我開始用我的otrs安裝解析問題 。 我用mysql 5.5和perl 5.18運行OTRS 3.1.1。 我認爲這可能是事實,我有一箇舊的OTRS版本,所以遵循步驟 OTRS手冊決定升級到OTRS 3.2.1,MySQL 5.6和ugpraded幾乎所有perl模塊+ apache到2.4.7OTRS PostmasterMailbox.pl解析/ MIME類型

我這樣做,一切正常,但解析問題依然存在。 OTRS通過cronjob使用腳本從郵箱獲取郵件並創建票據。 在許多故障單上,它無法解析它們,導致系統掛在特定郵件 上,並連續打開相同故障單然後死亡(不解析其他郵件隊列中的故障)。


# /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.PostMasterMailbox.pl -f 1 
    Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/VariableCheck.pm line 290. 
    In '(?...)', splitting the initial '(?' is deprecated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/ 
      (           # $1 greater-than and less-than sign 
       > | < | \s+ | \#{6} | 
       (?: &[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)     # get html entities 
      (           # $2 
       (?:         # http or only www 
        (?: (?: http s? | ftp) :\/\/) | # http://,https:// and ftp:// 
        (?: (?: www | ftp) \.)   # www. and ftp. 
      (           # $3 
       (?: [a-z0-9\-]+ \.)*     # get subdomains, optional 
       [a-z0-9\-]+       # get top level domain 
       (?:         # file path element 
        | [a-zA-Z0-9\-] 
       (?:         # param string 
        [\?]        # if param string is there, "?" must be present 
        [a-zA-Z0-9&;=%]*     # param string content, this will also catch entities like &amp; 
       (?:         # link hash string 
        [\#]        # 
        [a-zA-Z0-9&;=%]*     # hash string content, this will also catch entities like &amp; 
      (           # $4 
       ? <-- HERE =(?: 
        [\?,;!\.\)] (?: \s | $)   # \)\s this construct is because of bug# 2450 
        | \" 
        | \] 
        | \s+ 
        | ' 
        | >        # greater-than and less-than sign 
        | <        # " 
        | (?: &[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)+   # html entities 
        | $        # bug# 2715 
       | \#{6}        # ending LinkHash 
     /at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/HTMLUtils.pm line 867. 

IMAP: Connection to mailserver closed. 

IMAP: Connection to mailserver closed. 

IMAP: Connection to mailserver closed. 

IMAP: Connection to mailserver closed. 

IMAP: Connection to mailserver closed. 

IMAP: Message 1/5 (account/mailserver) 
No valid 'utf-8' string: ' .... 


open body: Invalid argument at /opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/MIME/Entity.pm line 1872. 

編輯: 檢查Apache日誌,我得到很多的重新定義如下:

[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] GeneralCatalog.pm: Subroutine ItemAdd redefined at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog.pm line 461. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] GeneralCatalog.pm: Subroutine ItemUpdate redefined at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog.pm line 569. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] GeneralCatalog.pm: Subroutine GeneralCatalogPreferencesSet redefined at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog.pm line 678. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] GeneralCatalog.pm: Subroutine GeneralCatalogPreferencesGet redefined at /opt/otrs/Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog.pm line 697. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] LayoutImportExport.pm: Subroutine ImportExportFormInputCreate redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/LayoutImportExport.pm line 31. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] LayoutImportExport.pm: Subroutine ImportExportFormDataGet redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/LayoutImportExport.pm line 66. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] LayoutImportExport.pm: Subroutine _ImportExportLoadLayoutBackend redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/LayoutImportExport.pm line 100. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] PreferencesDB.pm: Subroutine new redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog/PreferencesDB.pm line 72. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] PreferencesDB.pm: Subroutine GeneralCatalogPreferencesSet redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog/PreferencesDB.pm line 105. 
[Sat Jun 21 19:44:20 2014] PreferencesDB.pm: Subroutine GeneralCatalogPreferencesGet redefined at /opt/otrs//Kernel/System/GeneralCatalog/PreferencesDB.pm line 152. 





open body: Invalid argument at /opt/otrs/Kernel/cpan-lib/MIME/Entity.pm line 1872. 

這個問題也通過在Perl 5.18的變化引起的,而在OTRS 3.2.12固定。您應該將3.2.1升級到最新的3.2.x補丁版本。 http://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9832




如果我直接升級到3.3.x這應該解決的權利? –


ps:上帝保佑你人類,我掙扎了好幾個小時 –


手動將這個修復應用到OTRS 2.4安裝也很容易,只需看看這個提交:https://github.com/OTRS/otrs/commit/3200f38e4ece3b73c1d8f98642b0bf30f5e39043 –