2010-12-14 142 views

有沒有在Matlab 一個內置/ M檔,以獲得 高山功能的情節的高度fluctuatiing和 多峯?我想在3D中獲得一個 類似的圖形! alt textalt text如何繪製表面圖


Z = SIN(X1)SIN(2次)\ SQRT {X1X2}



只需按照http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/surf.html中的示例 – Mikhail 2010-12-14 12:12:00



嗯,你必須(-5在本例中,以5 0.1步)創建meshgrid選擇正確的採樣。 Z中把你的函數Z =式F(X,Y)

X=[-5:0.1:5]; %% The X-axis goes from the value of -5 to +5 with a step of 0.1 (100 points) 
Y=[-5:0.1:5]; %% like the X-axis 
[wx,wy]=meshgrid(X,Y); %% see [MATLAB documentation][1] 
Z=sinc(sqrt((wx-5).^2+wy.^2)); %% this is an example formula, substitute it with YOUR formula 
fig=surfl(wx,wy,Z); %% make a surface plot with lighting 
shading interp; %% optional, try to remove it. 
colormap hot; %% here you decide the colormap: hot is the one going from white to red 
view(45,40) %% optional, select the angle of view 



如果你可以用一些評論解密你的代碼,那將是非常有幫助的,我無法遵循它。 – Sm1 2010-12-20 04:05:57



我面臨同樣的問題,當我不得不繪製卡普蘭 - 邁耶存活曲線編程




'Start generating the life tables 

Dim myTable As New DataTable 

myTable.Columns.Add("Survial Status") 
myTable.Columns.Add("Remaining Patients") 
myTable.Columns.Add("Survial Duration") 
myTable.Columns.Add("Survial Propability") 
myTable.Columns.Add("Cumulative Survial Propability") 

Dim myFirstRow As DataRow = myTable.NewRow 
myFirstRow.Item(0) = 1 
myFirstRow.Item(1) = CasesCount 
myFirstRow.Item(2) = 0 
myFirstRow.Item(3) = 1 
myFirstRow.Item(4) = 1 


Dim Ptnseq = CasesCount 

For I = 1 To CasesCount 

    Dim myRow As DataRow = myTable.NewRow 

    'Get only one record from KaplanTable 
    Dim Kaplantmp = myReader.Read 
    Ptnseq = Ptnseq - 1 

    myRow.Item(0) = myReader.GetValue(2) 
    myRow.Item(1) = Ptnseq 'Sets the total number of remaining patients 
    myRow.Item(2) = myReader.GetValue(3) 

    If myRow.Item(0) = 0 Then 
     myRow.Item(3) = myTable.Rows(I - 1).Item(3) 
     myRow.Item(4) = myTable.Rows(I - 1).Item(4) 
    ElseIf myRow.Item(0) = 1 Then 
     myRow.Item(3) = myRow.Item(1)/myTable.Rows(I - 1).Item(1) 
     myRow.Item(4) = myRow.Item(3) * myTable.Rows(I - 1).Item(4) 
    End If 


Next I 

'Finished generating the lifetables, bind it to a grid 

Dim myGrid As New GridView 'Create a new dynamc Grid 
Dim myLabel As New Label 'Create a new dynamic label for this grid 
myPage.Form.Controls.Add(myLabel) 'add the label, then 
myPage.Form.Controls.Add(myGrid) 'add the grid 
myGrid.DataSource = myTable 'Bind the grid to the calculated lifetables 

DrawKaplanCurve(myTable, myChart, Stratum) 
myLabel.Text = "Current Stratum is: " & Stratum & "<br/>" & "Total Number of cases is: " & (myTable.Rows.Count - 1).ToString & " Cases" 

Return myTable.Rows.Count - 1 

End Function 

Public Shared Sub DrawKaplanCurve(ByVal myTable As DataTable, ByVal myChart As Chart, ByVal Stratum As String) 

Dim KaplanSeries As New Series 
KaplanSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StepLine 
KaplanSeries.Name = Stratum 

Dim CensoredSeries As New Series 
CensoredSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Stock 
CensoredSeries.Name = "Censored " & Stratum 

For I = 1 To myTable.Rows.Count - 1 

    Dim myPoint As New DataPoint 
    Dim xval As Double = myTable.Rows(I).Item(2) 
    Dim yval As Double = myTable.Rows(I).Item(4) 
    myPoint.SetValueXY(xval, yval) 

    ' If alive case, then add to censored data 
    If myTable.Rows(I).Item(0) = 0 Then 
     Dim CensoredPoint As New DataPoint 
     CensoredPoint.SetValueXY(myPoint.XValue, yval - 0.01, yval + 0.01) 
     CensoredPoint.ToolTip = "Censored Case Number " & myTable.Rows(I).Item(1).ToString & vbNewLine & "Survival Duration = " & myTable.Rows(I).Item(2).ToString & " months" & vbNewLine & "Cumulative Survival Propability = " & Round(yval * 100, 2).ToString & "%" 
     CensoredPoint.Color = myPoint.Color 
     If I <> myTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then CensoredSeries.Points.Add(CensoredPoint) 'add all except the last point because it shouldn't be censored 
    End If 

    'myPoint.ToolTip = "Case Number " & myTable.Rows(I).Item(1).ToString & vbNewLine & "Survival Duration = " & myTable.Rows(I).Item(2).ToString & " months" 
    If I = myTable.Rows.Count - 1 Then myPoint.Label = Round(yval * 100, 2).ToString & "%" 


myChart.Series(CensoredSeries.Name).IsVisibleInLegend = False 
Dim myLegend As New Legend 
myLegend.TitleForeColor = myChart.Series(myChart.Series.Count - 1).Color 

End Sub 

這與Matlab有什麼關係?它看起來像視覺基礎。 – 2010-12-14 14:13:50


謝謝Mokokamello,儘管它在VB中,但我仍然感激你的時間和耐心。 – Sm1 2010-12-20 03:58:04