我在下面的程序中創建一個內存泄漏的代碼行,我不知道爲什麼是這種情況...爲什麼我的函數產生內存泄漏? (C++)
Question* newQuestion = new Question(text, mark, answers, numAnswers, &this->operator[](qNum-1));
bool Exam::ReplaceDeleteQuestion(){
int qNum;
char repDel;
Question* temp = phead;
cout << "Which question would you like to modify? Please enter the number (1, 2, ...)" <<endl;
cin >> qNum;
for(int i = 0; i<(qNum - 1); i++){
if(temp == NULL || temp->GetNext() == NULL){
cout << "Please enter an element within the bounds of the linked list"<<endl;
return true;
temp = temp->GetNext();
cout << "Do you want to Replace or Delete? (R = Replace, D = Delete): ";
cin >> repDel;
while(repDel != 'R' && repDel != 'r' && repDel != 'D' && repDel != 'd'){
cout << "Try again: R = Replace, D = Delete: ";
cin >> repDel;
//Set up new question and replace
if(repDel == 'r' || repDel == 'R'){
char* questionBuffer = new char[200];
cout << "Please enter the new question text below"<<endl;
cin.ignore(200, '\n'); //Ignore newline character
cin.getline(questionBuffer, 200);
char* text = new char[strlen(questionBuffer) + 1];
strcpy_s(text, strlen(questionBuffer)+1, questionBuffer); //Copy questionBuffer into text field
delete[] questionBuffer; //free question buffer
cout << "Please enter the new question mark: "<<endl;
int mark;
cin >> mark;
cout << "How many answers are there now? : ";
int numAnswers;
cin >> numAnswers;
Answer **answers = new Answer*[numAnswers]; //Allocate memory for the answer member
for(int i = 0; i < numAnswers; i++){
cout << "Please enter answer " << i+1 <<endl; //Prompt user for text
answers[i] = new Answer(); //Create the answer
Question* newQuestion = new Question(text, mark, answers, numAnswers, &this->operator[](qNum-1));
this->operator[](qNum-1) = *newQuestion;
delete[] answers;
//delete[] text;
return true;
#ifndef QUESTION_H_
#define QUESTION_H_
#include <iostream>
// Question.h
class Question
char* text;
unsigned int mark;
Answer** answers;
unsigned int numAnswers;
Question* pNext;
Question(char*, unsigned int, Answer**, unsigned int, Question*);
Question*& GetNext()
return pNext;
Answer& operator[](unsigned int i); //overloaded indexing
Question& operator=(Question&); // overloaded assignment
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, Question&); // overloaded insertion
您在堆上分配一個對象(原因不清)。然後將該對象複製到'this-> operator [](qNum-1)'返回的任何內容中。原始對象從不再使用,特別是永遠不會被釋放。 – 2014-11-09 04:05:23
使用'std :: string'和'std :: vector',內存泄漏將神奇地消失。我沒有仔細查看你的代碼,因爲代碼太多與問題無關。 – 2014-11-09 04:05:28
「問題」類應該與任何數據結構無關。如果你想在堆棧中存儲一些問題,一些在地圖中?而是使用'std :: list'。沒有'新'需要更多。 –
2014-11-09 04:07:04