set nocount on
select t1.*, ISNULL(t2.CountNewGLLinkIDs,0) AS CountNewGLLinkIDs
(select [Client_Number],[ClientName],[RemitType],[ClientServiceRep],[Backup_ClientServiceRep], [ClientAuditor],[WirelessAuditor]
,[AccountManager],[ProvisioningRep],[BillingMonth], CASE RO.Inventory_Type WHEN 'WIRELESS' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InventoryType, [NbrGLLinkIDs],[NbrInvoices],[AutoProcessCount] as [AutoProcessed]
,CONVERT(numeric(18,4), CONVERT(decimal, [AutoProcessCount])/CASE WHEN ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) END) as AutoProcessPercentage
,CONVERT(numeric(18,4), CONVERT(decimal, [EDI])/CASE WHEN ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) END) as EDIPercentage
,CONVERT(numeric(18,4), CONVERT(decimal, [PAPER])/CASE WHEN ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) END) as PaperPercentage
,CONVERT(numeric(18,4) , CONVERT(decimal, [Import])/CASE WHEN ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([NbrInvoices], 1) END) as ImportPercentage
,[TotalLateFees]/CASE WHEN ISNULL([Spend], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([Spend], 1) END as LateFeesPercentOfSpend
,[BalanceCarriedForward]/CASE WHEN ISNULL([Spend], 1) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE ISNULL([Spend], 1) END as BCFPercentOfSpend
,[NumberOfBCFs],[ApprovedWithin5DaysOfDue],[ApprovedAfterDue],[ProcessedWithin5DaysOfDue], [ProcessedAfterDue],[AvgDaysToProcess]
,[BANCount] AS [NewAccountBANCount]
FROM [RollupReports].[dbo].[report_Rollup_KPI_Approval] RO with (nolock)) t1
left outer join
--get count of gllinkid during months required
(select client_number, CASE WHEN InventoryType = 1 THEN 'WIRELESS' ELSE 'WIRED' END AS InventoryType,
cast(datepart(mm,DateCreated) as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + cast(datepart(yyyy,DateCreated) as varchar(4)) as BillingMonth,
count(gllinkid) as CountNewGLLinkIDs
from glacct with (nolock)
inner join
(select vendor,MAX(InventoryType) as InventoryType
FROM tbl_Ref_Vendors with(nolock)
group by vendor) as VendorData ON glacct.vendor = VendorData.Vendor
where Client_Number in
(select distinct client_number
FROM [RollupReports].[dbo].[report_Rollup_KPI_Approval] with (nolock))
group by client_number, cast(datepart(mm,DateCreated) as varchar(2)) + '/01/' + cast(datepart(yyyy,DateCreated) as varchar(4)),
InventoryType) t2
ON t1.Client_Number = t2.client_number and t1.BillingMonth = t2.BillingMonth and t1.InventoryType = t2.InventoryType
order by t1.ClientName, t1.InventoryType, t1.BillingMonth DESC
哎呀!非常感謝你的回答,它引導我解決它!謝謝!! – user3038694 2014-11-24 18:12:46
@ user3038694 - 很高興幫助你 – 2014-11-24 18:16:59