- 程序功能: 要求用戶輸入一個字符串。 要求用戶輸入第二個字符串,它將替換第一個字符串中每個單詞的最後兩個字符。 要求用戶輸入第三個字符串,第一個字符將替換第一個字符串中每個字的每個字母「I」。 *如果第一個字符串中的單詞少於兩個字符,並且不包含I,則字符串將保留單獨。
這裏是工作的代碼(我準備與運行計劃 - 不知道爲什麼第一位沒有在代碼中包含了):
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class StringModifications
private String input1, input2, input3; // Values only used within this method
public String information;
// Constructor
public StringModifications()
// Initialize class data to 0
this.input1 = "";
this.input2 = "";
this.input3 = "";
public void setInputStrings (String s1, String s2, String s3)
// Method to set class data
this.input1 = s1; // Equal to string 1
this.input2 = s2;
this.input3 = s3;
public String processStrings()
StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer (this.input1); // Splits first input string (word by word)
StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer ("");
String outstring = ""; // Initialize variable to 0
while (stok.hasMoreTokens() == true) // As long as there are more words in the string:
String word = stok.nextToken();
if (word.length() > 2)
word = word.substring (0, word.length() - 2); // Removes the last two letters of each word in the first string
word = word.concat (this.input2); // Adds the second input to the end of the first string
char letter = input3.charAt (0); // Finds the first letter of the third input
word = word.replace ('I', letter); // Replaces letter I in first string with first letter of third input
outstring = outstring + word + " "; // Adds a space between each word when output
return outstring;
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
String string1, string2, string3;
BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader ( // // Define the input stream reader
new InputStreamReader (System.in));
System.out.println ("Enter first string"); // User inputs the first string
string1 = keyboard.readLine();
System.out.println ("Enter second string"); // User inputs the econd string
string2 = keyboard.readLine();
System.out.println ("Enter third string"); // User inputs the third string
string3 = keyboard.readLine();
StringModifications strProc = new StringModifications();
strProc.setInputStrings (string1, string2, string3); // Sends values to method (e.g. this.input1 = stirng 1)
PersonalInfo pi = new PersonalInfo();
String out = strProc.processStrings(); // String (e.g. this.input1) sent through processStrings method before output
System.out.println ("Original Input: " + string1); // Displays the original input
System.out.println ("Modified Input: " + out); // Displays the modified input
和我所試圖做的是創建一個數組,它需要三個輸入(字符串,這將是代碼中的字符串1,2和3),如下文所示:您好,您好嗎(字符串1) 我很好(字符串2) 很棒(stirng 3)
也許增加一個他們的用法的例子。如果我是新人,你的解釋對我來說沒有多大意義。 – christopher