2012-05-23 82 views


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spManagedRouteSheetList] 
@dStartDate DateTime, 
@dEndDate DateTime 
SELECT IT.TriggerParentID,IT.ProductID, IT.[Weight],IT.[DateTime],IT.ProductType,IT.InOutType,IT.TriggerParentType FROM ITransaction IT 
    WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate 

    SELECT YarnCategoryID,Name,Code FROM YarnCategory WHERE YarnCategoryID IN (SELECT Distinct ProductID FROm ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    SELECT RouteSheetID,RoutesheetNo, ReqYarnQty, [date],RSState,Shift,Subfactory,(SELECT Name FROM Location WHERE LocationID=Subfactory) 
    FROM Routesheet where RoutesheetID IN (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    SELECT RouteSheetID,Qty,YarnFormat,ManagedLotID FROM RSInQCDetail WHERE RouteSheetID IN  (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    --RouteSheet History 
    SELECT RouteSheetID,YarnQtyInLBS,[Event] from RouteSheetHistoryEnhance WHERE EVENt IN (14) 
    AND RouteSheetID IN (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in 
    (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 



EXECUTE dbo.[spManagedRouteSheetList] '21 May 2012 08:00:00','22 May 2012 08:00:00'.. 


DECLARE @dStartDate as datetime 
     ,@dEndDate as datetime 

     SET @dStartDate='21 May 2012 08:00:00' 
     SET @dEndDate='22 May 2012 08:00:00' 

SELECT IT.TriggerParentID,IT.ProductID, IT.[Weight],IT.[DateTime],IT.ProductType,IT.InOutType,IT.TriggerParentType FROM ITransaction IT 
    WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate 

    SELECT YarnCategoryID,Name,Code FROM YarnCategory WHERE YarnCategoryID IN (SELECT Distinct ProductID FROm ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    SELECT RouteSheetID,RoutesheetNo, ReqYarnQty, [date],RSState,Shift,Subfactory,(SELECT Name FROM Location WHERE LocationID=Subfactory) 
    FROM Routesheet where RoutesheetID IN (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    SELECT RouteSheetID,Qty,YarnFormat,ManagedLotID FROM RSInQCDetail WHERE RouteSheetID IN  (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 

    --RouteSheet History 
    SELECT RouteSheetID,YarnQtyInLBS,[Event] from RouteSheetHistoryEnhance WHERE EVENt IN (14) 
    AND RouteSheetID IN (SELECT distinct IT.TriggerParentID FROM ITransaction IT WHERE IT.InOutType=101 and IT.LotID in `` 
    (select ManagedLotID from RSInQCDetail where YarnFormat <>4 and ManagedLotID>0) 
    AND IT.[DateTime]>[email protected] AND IT.[DateTime]<@dEndDate) 



執行計劃說什麼? – sharptooth


這是哪個數據庫? (postgres,mysql等 - 請添加適當的標籤) – Bohemian


參數嗅探?看一眼; http://www.sommarskog.se/query-plan-mysteries.html –



如果這是SQL Server ...


嘗試將WITH RECOMPILE添加到存儲過程定義中。

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spManagedRouteSheetList] 
    @dStartDate DateTime, 
    @dEndDate DateTime 
AS ... 

我試圖將「WITH RECOMPILE」添加到存儲過程定義中,但不起作用。 –


@ Md.MasudIqbal您使用MS SQL Server嗎? –


是的,我正在使用SQL Server 2008 –