2015-10-19 45 views

該頭文件根據骰子的數量創建一個大小的向量。它需要擲骰數(擲骰數N),骰數(numDice)和骰子邊數(numSides ---固定爲6)。我認爲問題出現在第一個for循環中。當它被設置爲一個骰子時,它將按照預期運行,但當應用兩個骰子時,它會以超出範圍的錯誤終止。一個或兩個骰子的隨機數發生器

void randomNum(const int rollsN, int numDice, int numSides) 
//Vector will hold an extra value (starts at 0, not 1). 
vector<int> numVect((numDice*numSides) + 1); 

//Starts a randomizer based on time 

//provides random values for every possible result of the die 
for(int i = 0; i < rollsN; i++) 
    int temp = 0; //holds the side of the dice that is chosen... or the sum of the two dice that are rolled 
    for(int j = 0; j < numDice; j++) 
     temp += (rand() % (numDice*numSides) + 1); 

    numVect.at(temp) += 1; 

//prints how many times the die landed on that value 
cout << endl << "RANDOMIZED RESULTS " << endl; 
for(int i = 1; i <= (numDice*numSides); i++) 
    cout << i << " ----- " << numVect[i] << endl; 

cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl << "Histogram" << endl; 



你不覺得'numVect'的尺寸應的骰子次數輥的數量?我看不出有多少方面需要處理...... –


'srand(time(0));'應該只做一次*一次,通常在程序啓動時。 – paxdiablo




for(int j = 0; j < numDice; j++) 
    temp += (rand() % (numDice*numSides) + 1); 



for(int j = 0; j < numDice; j++) 
    temp += rand() % numSides + 1; 

謝謝謝謝。那是一個愚蠢的錯誤 –