2017-03-27 41 views

在週五的一些好的建議,這幫助我修復我的VBA代碼之後,我想我會試着用一個類似的用戶定義的函數。這裏的想法是採取值的列表和(可選的)表引用(例如「t」)以最終字符串結尾: t.value1 + t.value2 + t.value3Excel UDF - 獲得價值!錯誤,不知道爲什麼



(附註:原諒我「VBA傻瓜」式的意見 - 這是因爲我上午一個VBA假!)

'Here we'll create the formula's structure - these are the bits the worksheet user will choose: 
    Function ConcatenateToAdd(ConcatenateRange as Range, Optional TableReference as String = "") As Variant 'the default value for TableReference will be "" 

    'And here are our other building blocks that we'll use behind the scenes: 

     Dim i As Long 

     Dim strResult1 As String 'this will be everything up to the last value 
     Dim strResult2 As String 'this will add the last value on to the string produced as strResult1 

     Dim Separator1 As String 
     Dim Separator2 As String 

     Separator1 = "."   'this will slip between the table reference and the field name 
     Separator2 = " + "   'this will go after each field name, except the last. 

    'Just in case - let's make a back-up plan 
     On Error GoTo ErrHandler 

    'OK - let's go! 

    'First, let's string together every value but the last one: 
     For i = 1 To ConcatenateRange.Count - 1           
        strResult1 = strResult1 & TableReference & Separator1 & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value & Separator2 

     Next i 

    'Lovely! Now let's just add on the last one - this one won't have a + on the end. 

     For i = ConcatenateRange.Count - 0 To ConcatenateRange.Count + 0      'I'm sure this is not the most elegant way to phrase this... 

      strResult2 = strResult1 & TableReference & Separator1 & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value 

     Next I 

'The next bit tells Excel what the final result of the formula should be, in the worksheet: 
ConcatenateToAdd = strResult2 

    'And this is what the error handler does - it will just make Excel shout "ERROR!" at you. Let's hope it doesn't need to. 
     ConcatenateToAdd = CVErr(xlErrValue) 

    'And that's all!  
     End Function 

意識到我錯過了一些代碼,但已經嘗試過,並沒有區別。缺少的位是:ConcatenateToAdd = strResult2。我現在已經將它添加到了我的問題中 - 只是想解釋一下任何人已經準備好了我最初發布的代碼。 –




一)設置ConcatenateToAdd = strResult2後不退出功能,或


試試像下面 - 我已經重構你的代碼一些,因爲你不需要兩個迴路(因此只需要strResult1):

Option Explicit 

Function ConcatenateToAdd(ConcatenateRange As Range, Optional TableReference As String = "") As Variant 

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler 

    Dim i As Long 
    Dim strResult1 As String 
    Dim Separator1 As String 
    Dim Separator2 As String 

    ' update format if TableReference = "" 
    If TableReference = "" Then 
     Separator1 = "" 
     Separator1 = "." 
    End If 
    Separator2 = " + " 

    strResult1 = "" 
    For i = 1 To ConcatenateRange.Count 
     strResult1 = strResult1 & TableReference & Separator1 & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value 
     If i < ConcatenateRange.Count Then 
      strResult1 = strResult1 & Separator2 
     End If 
    Next i 

    ConcatenateToAdd = strResult1 

    'you could do an Exit Function here 
    'Exit Function 

' or continue into the ErrHandler block 
    ' check an error actually occurred 
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
     ConcatenateToAdd = CVErr(xlErrValue) 
    End If 

    ' ConcatenateToAdd still equals strResult1 if no error occurred 

End Function 


ConcatenateToAdd = strResult1 

你可以做一個Exit Function作爲下一行,但如果你讓執行溜入ErrHandler塊,那麼你應該如果出現錯誤,則僅更新ConcatenateToAdd的值。你可以通過以下方式處理:

If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
    ConcatenateToAdd = CVErr(xlErrValue) 
End If 

我會添加一些讓'Separator1 =「」'如果'TableReference =「」',因爲如果沒有表格,你不需要'.'。 – CLR


謝謝你,羅賓 - 那曾經是一種享受!是的,我在最後一個UDF中使用了Exit Function,但這次完全錯過了它。感謝幫助我看到木頭和樹木(或木頭上的所有樹木?)! –


是的,@CLR - 我剛剛發現了!我會搗鼓邏輯和分隔符......我可以在該節(我設置分隔符的值)附近包裝一條If語句,你覺得呢? –
