Export: SQL
Within the OPTIONS group; under the STRUCTURE sub group,
Selected the check box next to "Structure"
Selected the check box labeled "Add AUTO_INCREMENT value"
Selected the check box labeled "Enclose table and field names with backquotes"
Within the OPTIONS group, under the DATA sub group:
Selected the check box marked "Complete inserts".
Selected the check box marked "Extended inserts".
Selected the check box labeled "Use hexadecimal for binary fields" may be selected
Selected "INSERT" in the combo box labeled "Export type:"
Selected to gzip the exported file.
是否在發送文件之前對文件進行gzipping或bzipping,或許? – Crontab 2013-03-08 18:16:10
我已經設置了gzip文件。我只是試着將它備份,沒有壓縮,看起來應該如此。爲什麼要這樣做會導致這種情況發生?在gzip文件之前,我從來沒有遇到過這個問題。 – user5013 2013-03-08 18:25:13
,因爲壓縮數據是壓縮數據。在你解壓縮之前,它不是**可讀的。你基本上抱怨你的汽車在塗成藍色後會變藍。 – 2013-03-08 18:28:37