我有一個使用ASP經典和SQL Server 2005的Web應用程序。爲什麼我不能使用ASP和SQL Server編輯記錄?
當我嘗試編輯記錄時,網頁顯示HTTP 500 - Internal server error
。我試圖跟蹤錯誤,我認爲問題來自FORM ACTION目錄。
<form name="frmEdit" method="post" action="/dairypo/master/tpl/queries/qupdate.asp"
onsubmit="return CheckOtherInfo();">
<!-- #include file="../../../include/createconnection.asp" -->
act = 1
if trim(request.form("chkAct")) = "" then
act = 0
end if
curid = trim(request.form("hdnId"))
nprice = cDbl(request.form("txtPrice"))
nprice_big = cDbl(request.form("txtPrice_Big"))
nrate = cDbl(request.form("txtRate"))
csatuan_big = trim(request.form("selOrdSatuan1"))
csatuan = trim(request.form("selOrdSatuan2"))
objCommand_1.commandText = " SELECT nkonversi FROM ms_metriks WHERE csatuan1 = '" & csatuan_big & "' AND csatuan2 = '" & csatuan & "' "
set qMetriks = objCommand_tpl.execute
nkonversi = 1
if NOT qMetriks.BOF then
nkonversi = cDbl(qMetriks("nkonversi"))
end if
if nprice_big<>0 AND nprice=0 then
nprice = nprice_big/nkonversi
elseif nprice_big=0 AND nprice<>0 then
nprice_big = nprice*nkonversi
end if
objCommand_tpl.commandText = "UPDATE ms_tpl SET " &_
" dlastupdate = '" & date() & "', " &_
" ctipejual = '" & trim(request.form("selBy")) & "'," &_
" ckdgruprelasi = '" & trim(request.form("selgCust")) & "', " &_
" ckdrelasi = '" & trim(request.form("selCust")) & "', " &_
" dtglvalidawal = '" & trim(request.form("txtDate1")) & "', " &_
" dtglvalidakhir = '" & trim(request.form("txtDate2")) & "', " &_
" ckdcurrency = '" & trim(request.form("selCurr")) & "', " &_
" nhargaperiod = " & nprice & ", " &_
" nhargaperiodmax = " & nprice & ", " &_
" nharga1 = " & nprice & ", " &_
" nharga2 = " & nprice_big & ", " &_
" csatuan1 = '" & csatuan & "', " &_
" csatuan2 = '" & csatuan_big & "', " &_
" nrate = " & nrate & ", " &_
" bactive = " & act & ", " &_
" ckdwilayah = '" & trim(request.form("selLok")) & "' " &_
" WHERE id = " & curid & " "
set qUpdateRelasi = objCommand_tpl.Execute
objCommand_tpl.commandText = "INSERT INTO ms_tplhist "&_
"(cUserId, dLastUpdate,ctipejual,cKdUnitKey, cKdGrupRelasi, cKdRelasi, cKdBarang, bIsFluc, cSatPeriod, "&_
" nHargaPeriod,dTglValidAwal, dTglValidAkhir, cKdCurrency,cSatuan1,cSatuan2, nHarga1, nHarga2,nRate, bActive) "&_
"SELECT cUserId, dLastUpdate,ctipejual,cKdUnitKey, cKdGrupRelasi, cKdRelasi, cKdBarang, bIsFluc, cSatPeriod, "&_
" nHargaPeriod,dTglValidAwal, dTglValidAkhir, cKdCurrency,cSatuan1,cSatuan2, nHarga1, nHarga2,nRate, bActive "&_
"FROM ms_tpl "&_
" WHERE id = " & curid & " "
set qBackupData = objCommand_tpl.Execute
<form name="frmControl" action="/dairypo/homepage.asp?contID=mstpl_idxs" method="post">
for each form in request.form
response.write "<input type=""hidden"" name=""" & form & """ value=""" & request.form(form) & """>" & vbcrlf
什麼是錯誤?代碼是什麼?我們應該如何知道'qupdate.asp'中的內容? – Tom
當我嘗試更新記錄時,它從Internet Explorer「HTTP 500 - 內部服務器錯誤」中獲取錯誤頁面,並且存在qupdate.asp和add.asp(表單)中的代碼.. – blankon91
'HTTP 500 Internal Server錯誤'是一般性迴應;它可以是任何東西。在瀏覽器中關閉「友好的錯誤消息」,並確保您的Web服務器配置爲輸出錯誤消息。快速瀏覽一下你的ASP代碼看起來不錯;我猜這是SQL相關的東西 – Tom