2009-12-04 153 views


它應該釋放每個list_ item的內存。該方法是從前端到末尾遞歸地刪除每個list_item,直到找到NULL。但是由於某些原因,它只會從結構中刪除鍵值。雖然節點仍然在那裏。

以下是代碼 我在list_ destroy()中評論delete(my_ this)的原因是要檢查list_item是否被刪除。

#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

struct list_item 
    int key;    // identifies the data 
    double value;   // the data stored 
    struct list_item* next; // a pointer to the next data 

// Why do you need this? And why would you want it anyway? 
struct my_list 
    struct list_item* first; // a pointer to the first element of the list 

//| Module:  list_init 
//| Description: Initiate the list to an empty list 
//| Input:  A pointer to the uninitialized list 
//| Result:  The list is empty 
//| Conditions: Assumes the list is uninitialized 
void list_init(struct my_list* my_this) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 1 line) 
    //set the list NULL at beginning 
    my_this->first = NULL; 

//| Module:  list_add 
//| Description: Insert a new key, value pair in a sorted list 
//| Input:  The list to insert in and the key, value to insert 
//| Result:  The list is sorted according to keys and include the 
//|    new key, value pair 
//| Conditions: The list is assumed to be sorted before the insert 
//|    Duplicate keys are allowed. The order of duplicate 
//|    keys is undefined 
void list_add(struct my_list* my_this, int key, double value) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 23 lines) 

    //create new list_item node 
    list_item* new_node; 

    //allocate memory to it 
    new_node = new list_item; 

    //adding values 
    new_node->key = key; 
    new_node->value = value; 

    if (my_this->first != NULL) 
     new_node->next = my_this->first; 
     new_node->next = NULL; 
    my_this->first = new_node; 


//| Module:  list_remove 
//| Description: Remove the value with key from a sorted list 
//| Input:  The list to remove from and the key of the value to remove 
//| Result:  The list is sorted and do not contain a value with that key 
//| Conditions: The list is assumed to be sorted before the insert 
//|    If duplicates of the key to remove exist only is removed. 
//|    It is undefined which of the duplicates that are removed. 
void list_remove(struct my_list* my_this, int key) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 23 lines) 
    list_item *curr; 

    //allokera minne 
    curr = new list_item; 
    curr = my_this->first; 

    list_item *prev = new list_item; 

    for(int i=0; i<key;i++) 
     prev = curr; 
     curr = curr->next; 

    prev->next = curr->next; 

//| Module:  destroy 
//| Description: First destroy any next list item, then release the 
//|    memory of the specified list item. 
//|    This will recursively destroy an list starting on this item. 
//| Input:  The list item to relese memory for (delete) 
//| Result:  The memory used by the list item, and any linked items, 
//|    are reclaimed by the OS 
//|    Further use of the list item is invalid 
//| Conditions: The item is a pointer allocated with new and not 
//|    deleted before 
void destroy(struct list_item* item) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 5 lines) 
    list_item *temp = new list_item; 

     temp = item; 
     item = temp->next; 


//| Module:  list_destroy 
//| Description: Free the memory of an entire list. 
//| Input:  The list to destroy. 
//| Result:  All memory used by the list is reclaimed by the OS. 
//|    The list will become a valid but empty list. 
//| Conditions: The list is initiated and valid. 
void list_destroy(struct my_list* my_this) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 2 lines) 
// delete(my_this); 

//| Module:  clone 
//| Description: First create a new copy of the specified list 
//|    then append to the new item a clone of the next. 
//|    This will recursively create a copy of a entire 
//|    list starting on this item. 
//| Input:  The list item to clone. 
//| Result:  A copy of the specified item and any linked items. 
//| Conditions: The item is valid. 
struct list_item* clone(struct list_item* item) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 10 lines) 

    return item; 

//| Module:  list_copy 
//| Description: Copy an entire list 
//| Input:  The list to copy 
//| Result:  A new and valid list that are an independent copy 
//| Conditions: The list is initiated and valid. 
struct my_list list_copy(struct my_list* my_this) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 3 lines) 
    my_list *copy = new my_list; 
    copy = my_this; 
    return *copy; 


struct my_iterator 
    struct list_item* current; // a pointer to the "current" list element 

//| Module:  list_begin 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
struct my_iterator list_begin(struct my_list* my_this) 
    struct my_iterator i; 
    i.current = my_this->first; 
    return i; 

//| Module:  iterator_end 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
bool iterator_end(struct my_iterator* i) 
    return i->current == NULL; 

//| Module:  iterator_next 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
void iterator_next(struct my_iterator* i) 
    i->current = i->current->next; 

//| Module:  iterator_get_key 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
int iterator_get_key(struct my_iterator* i) 
    return i->current->key; 

//| Module:  iterator_get_value 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
double iterator_get_value(struct my_iterator* i) 
    return i->current->value; 

//| Module:  main 
//| Description: 
//| Input: 
//| Result: 
//| Conditions: 
int main() 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 50 lines) 
    my_list*list = NULL; 
    list = new my_list; 

    //list->first = NULL; 

    int key = 0; 
    double value = 0; 

    int i =0; 
    while(i <5) 
     cin>> value; 
     value = (int) value; 
     key = (int) value; 

     cout << "Adding" << endl; 

// my_list *list2 = new my_list; 
// list_init(list2); 
// list2 = list_copy(list); 

    //destroy the list and its content 

    list_remove(list, 3); 
    cout << endl << "Print list" << endl; 
    for(my_iterator i = list_begin(list); !iterator_end(&i); iterator_next(&i)) 
     cout << iterator_get_key(&i) << " " << iterator_get_value(&i) << endl; 

    cout << endl << "Print list" << endl; 
    for(my_iterator i = list_begin(list); !iterator_end(&i); iterator_next(&i)) 
     cout << iterator_get_key(&i) << " " << iterator_get_value(&i) << endl; 

// list_destroy(list2); 
    return 0; 

爲什麼你不想使用std :: list?每次有人發明新列表。 – 2009-12-04 23:28:07


我懷疑這是作業 - 所以給海報提示會比爲他做的工作或將他引薦到std :: list更有幫助... – hjhill 2009-12-04 23:36:13


@Alexey:我敢打賭這是教育目的... – Lucas 2009-12-04 23:37:29



destroy()功能的主要內容是接近正確的 - 唯一真正的錯誤是一次寫入temp和覆蓋在如果item參數不是NULLnew list_item的分配。爲什麼您在撥打delete時不會刪除列表項? (注意:指針不會被delete調用設置爲NULL,但指向的對象將被刪除。)請澄清!

順便說一句,你摧毀了整個名單的遞歸方法僅適用於列表達到一定長度 - 長名單,因爲也有destroy()嵌套調用過多可能會獲得Stack overflow錯誤。爲此更好地使用循環。


當我調用delete時,list_item實際上並沒有被刪除,只是它的指針?那麼list_item會發生什麼呢?它只是在會話中丟失了指向它的內容嗎? – starcorn 2009-12-05 11:05:24


list_item _is_被刪除,但指針保持「指向」list_item曾經存在的內存。你在問題中說「它只會刪除關鍵值,而不是節點」 - 你是如何得出這個結論的? – hjhill 2009-12-08 21:32:34



void destroy(struct list_item* item) 
    struct list_item *temp; 
    while (item) 
    temp = item; 
    item = temp->next; 


void destroy(struct list_item* item) 
    if (item) { 

不喜歡遞歸解決方案。除非它被優化爲非遞歸,否則大的列表將導致堆棧溢出異常(在C++中通常會導致程序消失而沒有跟蹤)。你唯一一次使用它的時候是當你的老闆/老師對局部變量有仇恨的時候(不幸的是我沒有這樣做)。 – Zooba 2009-12-04 23:38:03


或者,如果您知道,您的老師希望您瞭解遞歸... – phoebus 2009-12-04 23:42:51




好的。你不應該在銷燬函數中分配一個新的列表項。 相反,我會做:

void destroy(struct list_item* item) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 5 lines) 
     list_item *temp = item; 
     item = temp->next; 
     delete temp; 

delete運算符是不是一個功能,所以可以去掉括號。 把它作爲遞歸函數也有點不尋常。這沒有錯,但代碼更像是更正常的:

void destroy(struct list_item* item) 
    // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 5 lines) 
     list_item *temp = item; 
     item = temp->next; 
     delete temp; 