我在Windows 7,64位上使用最新版本的Anaconda Python(3.4)和最新版本的py2exe(它應該支持Python 3.3和3.4)。py2exe不包括來自「includes」的模塊
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os
options = {
'py2exe': {
'bundle_files': 2,
'optimize': 2,
'compressed': True,
windows = [{'script': "ImageSound GUI.py"}],
data_files = [('images',['c:/Users/EvilDragon/Documents/GitHub/ImageSound/mario.png'])]
84 missing Modules
? Cookie imported from requests.compat, tornado.httputil, tornado.web
? IPython.current_nbformat imported from IPython.nbformat.validator
? Image imported from scipy.misc.pilutil
? ImageFilter imported from scipy.misc.pilutil
? OpenGL imported from IPython.lib.inputhook, IPython.lib.inputhookglut
? PIL._imagingagg imported from PIL.ImageDraw
? PyQt5 imported from IPython.external.qt_loaders, PIL.ImageQt, matplotlib.pyplot
? PySide imported from IPython.external.qt_loaders, PIL.ImageQt
? Queue imported from IPython.kernel.blocking.channels, IPython.kernel.blocking.client, IPython.kernel.inprocess.blocking, IPython.kernel.inprocess.socket, IPython.kernel.manager, requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool, zmq.eventloop.zmqstream
? SocketServer imported from zmq.ssh.forward
? UserDict imported from pytz.lazy
? _abcoll imported from requests.packages.urllib3.packages.ordered_dict
? _grabscreen imported from PIL.ImageGrab
? _imaging_gif imported from PIL.GifImagePlugin
? _subprocess imported from IPython.kernel.launcher, IPython.kernel.zmq.parentpoller
? _util imported from PIL.ImageCms
? appnope imported from IPython.external.appnope
? backports imported from requests.packages.urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname, setuptools.ssl_support, tornado.netutil
? cloud imported from IPython.utils.pickleutil
? cookielib imported from requests.compat
? coverage imported from IPython.testing.iptestcontroller
? dill imported from IPython.utils.pickleutil
? gi imported from IPython.kernel.zmq.gui.gtk3embed, IPython.lib.inputhookgtk3
? glut_support imported from IPython.lib.inputhook
? gobject imported from IPython.kernel.zmq.gui.gtkembed, IPython.lib.inputhookgtk, matplotlib.pyplot
? gtk imported from IPython.kernel.zmq.gui.gtkembed, IPython.lib.inputhook, IPython.lib.inputhookgtk
? isodate imported from jsonschema._format
? matplotlib.backends._macosx imported from matplotlib.backends.backend_macosx
? mklfft imported from numpy.fft
? monotime imported from tornado.platform.auto, zmq.eventloop.minitornado.platform.auto
? mpl_toolkits.natgrid imported from matplotlib.mlab
? multiprocessing.SimpleQueue imported from concurrent.futures.process
? ndg imported from requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl
? netifaces imported from IPython.utils.localinterfaces
? packaging imported from pkg_resources
? paramiko imported from zmq.ssh.tunnel
? path imported from IPython.external.path
? pexpect imported from IPython.external.pexpect, zmq.ssh.tunnel
? pyczmq imported from zmq.sugar.context
? pydb imported from IPython.core.debugger, IPython.core.interactiveshell
? pyglet imported from IPython.lib.inputhookpyglet
? pysqlite2 imported from IPython.core.history
? pywintypes imported from -
? repr imported from IPython.core.debugger
? resource imported from IPython.external.pexpect._pexpect, IPython.utils.timing
? rfc3987 imported from jsonschema._format
? scikits imported from scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.linsolve
? scipy.arange imported from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve.minres
? scipy.ones imported from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve.minres
? setuptools_svn imported from setuptools.command.egg_info
? simplegeneric imported from IPython.external.simplegeneric
? simplejson imported from requests.compat
? singledispatch imported from tornado.gen
? strict_rfc3339 imported from jsonschema._format
? unittest._WritelnDecorator imported from nose.plugins.multiprocess
? urllib.getproxies imported from requests.compat
? urllib.pathname2url imported from setuptools.compat
? urllib.proxy_bypass imported from requests.compat
? urllib.quote imported from matplotlib.textpath, requests.compat
? urllib.quote_plus imported from requests.compat
? urllib.splittag imported from setuptools.compat
? urllib.unquote imported from jsonschema.compat, requests.compat
? urllib.unquote_plus imported from requests.compat
? urllib.url2pathname imported from setuptools.compat
? urllib.urlencode imported from IPython.lib.display, requests.compat, requests.packages.urllib3.request, tornado.httputil, tornado.web
? urllib.urlopen imported from IPython.core.interactiveshell, IPython.utils.openpy
? urllib.urlretrieve imported from IPython.core.extensions, IPython.html.nbextensions
? webcolors imported from jsonschema._format
? win32api imported from IPython.utils._process_win32, distutils.msvccompiler, platform, win32evtlogutil
? win32com imported from setuptools.sandbox
? wincertstore imported from setuptools.ssl_support
? zmq.EAGAIN imported from zmq.error
? zmq.ETERM imported from zmq.devices.basedevice, zmq.error, zmq.eventloop.ioloop
? zmq.PUB imported from zmq.devices.monitoredqueuedevice
? zmq.QUEUE imported from zmq.devices.basedevice
? zmq.backend.Context imported from zmq.sugar.context
? zmq.backend.Frame imported from zmq.sugar.frame, zmq.sugar.tracker
? zmq.backend.Socket imported from zmq.sugar.socket
? zmq.backend.constants imported from zmq.sugar.constants
? zmq.backend.strerror imported from zmq.error
? zmq.backend.zmq_errno imported from zmq.error
? zmq.backend.zmq_poll imported from zmq.sugar.poll
? zmq.backend.zmq_version_info imported from zmq.sugar.version
? zmq.device imported from zmq.devices, zmq.devices.basedevice
5 submodules that appear to be missing, but could also be global names in the parent package
? numpy.conj imported from scipy.io.mmio, scipy.linalg.decomp
? numpy.log2 imported from scipy.sparse.linalg.matfuncs
? scipy.spatial.cKDTree imported from scipy.spatial
? scipy.special.ellipeinc imported from scipy.special
? scipy.special.ellipkinc imported from scipy.special
Building 'dist\ImageSound GUI.exe'.
Building shared code archive 'dist\library.zip'.
Copy c:\program files\anaconda\python34.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\DLLs\tcl86t.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\DLLs\tk86t.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\libiomp5md.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\DLLs\sqlite3.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\PyQt4\QtCore4.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\portaudio_x64.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\PyQt4\QtSvg4.dll to dist
Copy DLL C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\PyQt4\QtGui4.dll to dist
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ImageSound.py", line 5, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\zipextimporter.py", line 116, in load_module
raise zipimport.ZipImportError("can't find module %s" % fullname)
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module skimage.draw
即使我將skimage.draw添加到包含中,也不會改變......還有追溯更改,如果我設置bun dle_files以3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ImageSound.py", line 5, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\skimage\draw\__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
from .draw import circle, ellipse, set_color
File "C:\Program Files\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\skimage\draw\draw.py", line 3, in <module>
from ._draw import _coords_inside_image
File "<loader>", line 10, in <module>
File "<loader>", line 8, in __load
ImportError: (No module named 'skimage._shared') 'C:\\Users\\EvilDragon\\Documents\\GitHub\\ImageSound\\dist\\skimage.draw._draw.pyd'
編輯:我試着運行py2exe與各種包括和排除,以便它試圖遞歸找到它所需要的,但無濟於事。它會始終報告缺少skimage.draw或沒有名爲skimage._shared的模塊。沒有任何意義,他們是正確的,在我的lib/site-packages /文件夾!
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog, ttk, messagebox
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from numpy import array
from skimage.draw import line as skline
import time
import DSP # this is the second .py file
from numpy import linspace, sin, pi, int16, array, append, multiply
from scipy.io.wavfile import write as writewav
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as interpolate
from math import sqrt
import pyaudio
對於scipy包含錯誤嘗試添加以下行到您的包括:'''''scipy.sparse.csgraph._validation'''它似乎是一個常見的錯誤。 –
將嘗試並報告回來!謝謝,弗蘭! :) –
不幸的是,沒有工作,仍然是相同的缺失模塊報告:( –